INIT-SELF Retry Functionality for SNA Server

ID: Q161228

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SNA Server, versions 2.11, 3.0


When automatically activating a dependent LU6.2 session, SNA Server sends an INIT-SELF command to the host, to request that the host send a BIND command to start the LU6.2 session. If the host sends a negative response to the INIT-SELF request, SNA Server does not resend the INIT-SELF command unless an APPC or CPIC application attempts to allocate a new conversation on this dependent LU6.2 session (using [MC_]ALLOCATE or CMINIT). Automatic activation for a dependent LU6.2 session is configured on the APPC mode definition by setting the Automatic Activation Limit to "1."

Retry logic for INIT-SELF has been added to SNA Server. This allows SNA Server to retry an INIT-SELF for a dependent LU 6.2 after it has been rejected by the host.

NOTE: SNA Server 3.0 does not support the automatic activation of LU6.2 sessions, so session activation only occurs after an SNA Server APPC or CPIC application attempts to allocate a conversation over the dependent LU 6.2 LU's, or if initiated by the host.


The following two new registry parameters are now supported:


INITSLFRETRIES: REG_SZ: (default 0) This parameter specifies the number of times an INITSELF is retried.

INITSLFTICKS: REG_SZ: (default 2) This parameter specifies the number of tick periods (about 5 seconds) between each retry.

The SNA Server Service must be restarted after making these changes.

Even though this functionality was not included with SNA Server 2.11, a fix that provides this functionality is available for SNA Server 2.11 Service Pack 1.

Additional query words: dependent lu 6.2 bind prodsna

Keywords : kbusage snaappc snacpic kbfix2.11.sp2
Version : WINDOWS:2.11,3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 20, 1999
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