SNA 2.11 Service Pack 2 Readme.txt File

ID: Q164075

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SNA Server, versions 2.11, 2.11 SP1


This article contains a copy of the information in the Readme.txt file included in SNA Server Service Pack 2.


Microsoft SNA Server Version 2.11 Service Pack 2
Release Notes

February 1997

© Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1997

These materials are provided "as-is," for informational purposes

Neither Microsoft nor its suppliers makes any warranty, express
or implied with respect to the content of these materials or the
accuracy of any information contained herein, including, without
limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose. Because some states/jurisdictions do
not allow exclusions of implied warranties, the above limitation
may not apply to you.

Neither Microsoft nor its suppliers shall have any liability for
any damages whatsoever including consequential incidental, direct,
indirect, special, and loss profits. Because some states/ 
jurisdictions do not allow exclusions of implied warranties, the
above limitation may not apply to you. In any event, Microsoft's
and its suppliers' entire liability in any manner arising out of
these materials, whether by tort, contract, or otherwise shall
not exceed the suggested retail price of these materials.


Ordering the SNA Server 2.11 Service Pack 2 CD

Microsoft SNA Server 2.11 U.S. Service Pack 2 (SP2) is available
in CD media format by ordering from Microsoft at (800) 936-3500,
using the following part number:

  Disk Set #: 211-075-100

2.11 SP2 includes SNA Server 2.11 Service Pack 1 (SP1) as well as
bug fixes implemented since 2.11 SP1. In addition, the 2.11 SP2
CD includes updated documentation, collateral, and SDK (software
development kit files). 2.11 SP2 includes updated SNA Server and
client software for I386 (Intel) and DEC Alpha platforms.

NOTE: Support for MIPS and Power PC platforms has been discontinued
and is not included in 2.11 SP2. If you are running SNA Server on
a MIPS or Power PC system and are experiencing a problem which has
been fixed in 2.11 SP2, please contact Microsoft support for an

Downloading SNA Server 2.11 Service Pack 2

Self-extracting executable files containing updated 2.11 SP2 SNA
Server and client files can be downloaded electronically from The following files comprise the updated
SNA Server and client files for 2.11 SP2:

  211SP2IS.EXE - 2.11 SP2 Server Update (Intel) (NOTE 1)
  211SP2AS.EXE - 2.11 SP2 Server Update (Alpha) (NOTE 1)
  211SP2IC.EXE - 2.11 SP2 Windows NT Client Update (Intel)
  211SP2AC.EXE - 2.11 SP2 Windows NT Client Update (Alpha)
  211SP2CL.EXE - 2.11 SP2 Win 3.x, MS-DOS, OS/2 Client Update
  211SP295.EXE - 2.11 SP2 Windows 95 Client Update
  SNAWIN95.EXE - 2.11 SP2 Windows 95 Client - full client
  211SP2TN.EXE - 2.11 SP2 TN3270 Server Update (Intel & Alpha)
  211SP2EI.EXE - 2.11 SP2 Eicon WAN Services Drivers (Intel) (NOTE 1)
  211SP2EA.EXE - 2.11 SP2 Eicon WAN Services Drivers (Alpha) (NOTE 1)

For information about changes implemented in 2.11 SP1 and SP2,
see the SNA21SP2.HLP file included in 211SP2IS.EXE and
211SP2AS.EXE.  SNA21SP2.HLP also contains licensing information,
the 2.11 SP1 contents, and 2.11 SP2 contents.  The contents for SP1
and SP2 comprise articles describing the symptoms, causes, and
solutions to known problems.  The updated documentation, collateral
and SDK files are only available on the 2.11 SP2 CD and are not
available for electronic download.

NOTE 1: The electronic download versions of SNA Server SP2 do not
include updated driver files for Eicon WAN Services.  These must be
downloaded separately (211SP2EI.EXE or 211SP2EA.EXE, as appropriate).
Once the 211SP2IS.EXE or 211SP2AS.EXE file has been extracted, the
Eicon update should be copied to the <server>\system\hwsetup\eicon
directory and extracted using "211sp2ei.exe -d".  This will restore
the Eicon driver files to the same location as included on the
SNA Server 2.11 SP2 CD.

Instructions for Decompressing Files

All of the above files are compressed in self-extracting
archive format, containing SNA Server 2.11 SP2.  To extract
each file, copy the file to a separate empty directory on your
hard drive and run the file using the "-d" option.  For

    211SP2IS.EXE -d <PATH>

Where <PATH> is the destination directory for the service
pack. If you wish to extract the service pack to the current
directory, leave <PATH> blank.

After the service pack file has been decompressed, run the
UPDATE.EXE program to install the updated SNA Server 2.11
server or client files, as appropriate.

NOTE: The UPDATE program will automatically stop any SNA
Server services which may be running.

Installing the Service Pack Files
Both the SNA Server and SNA client files have been updated
in 2.11 SP2. Updates may be applied in any order -- to the
server and/or to the clients. It is recommended that all
systems running SNA Server 2.11 (that is, SNA Servers and
client computers) are updated to SP2. It may not be
necessary to update the client computers to SP2 unless you
are experiencing a client problem that has been fixed in SP2.

** TO BE APPLIED TO SNA SERVER 2.11 or 2.11 SP1 ONLY!! ** 

Additional query words: prodsna

Keywords : prodsna
Version : WINDOWS:2.11,2.11 SP1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 23, 1999
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