Single Signon for APPC Applications Using Privileged Proxy
ID: Q165385
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft SNA Server, version 3.0
An Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC) application is not allowed to open an LU6.2 conversation using the
Microsoft SNA Server 3.0 Host Security single signon feature and impersonate the
security context of another Microsoft Windows NT user account.
An APPC application that is defined on a computer running Windows NT can
only open a conversation using single signon on behalf of the Windows NT
account that the application is defined to use.
SNA Server 3.0 was not originally designed to support this functionality.
Several updates have been made to SNA Server 3.0 to allow a privileged APPC
application to open an APPC conversation using the single signon feature on
behalf of any defined Windows NT user. This is the
privileged proxy feature. In addition, an extension has been added to the
APPC API to invoke the feature. These extensions are documented in the
descriptions of [MC_]ALLOCATE APPC verbs.
An APPC application becomes privileged when the application is started in a Windows NT
user account that is a member of a special Windows NT group.
When a Host Security Domain is configured, SNA Server Manager defines a
second Windows NT group for use with the host security features of SNA
Server. If the user account under which the actual client is running is a
member of this second Windows NT group, the client is privileged to
initiate an APPC conversation on behalf of any user account defined in the
Host Account Cache.
The following illustrates how the privileged proxy feature works:
The SNA Server administrator creates a Host Security Domain called APP. SNA
Server Manager now creates two Windows NT groups. The first group is called
APP and the second is called APP_PROXY for this example. Users that are
assigned to the APP group are enabled for single signon. Users assigned to
the APP_PROXY group are privileged proxies. The administrator adds the
Windows NT user AppcUser to the APP_PROXY group using the Users button on
the Host Security Domain Property dialog box in SNA Server Manager.
The administrator then sets up an APPC application on the SNA Server to run
as a Windows NT service called APPCAPP and that service is set up to
operate under the AppcUser user account. When APPCAPP runs, it opens an
APPC session via an MC_ALLOCATE verb using the extended VCB format and
specifies the Windows NT username of the desired user, UserA (for example).
The SNA Server service sees the session request coming from a connection
that is a member of the Host Security Domain APP. The Client/Server
interface tells the SNA Server service that the actual client is AppcUser.
The SNA Server service checks to see if AppcUser is a member of the
APP_PROXY group. Because AppcUser is a member of APP_PROXY, the SNA Server
service inserts the Username/Password for UserA in the APPC Attach (FMH-5)
command and sends it off to the partner TP.
APPC Application Requirements to Implement Privileged Proxy Support
In order to support the priviledged proxy feature, the APPC
application must implement the following program logic:
- First, the updated Winappc.h and Wappc32.lib files must be used
from the SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 1 software development kit (SDK). The updated Winappc.h
includes new prototypes to support the privileged proxy feature.
- The APPC application must determine the Windows NT user ID and domain
name that it wishes to impersonate.
- The APPC application must set the following parameters before calling
the [MC_]ALLOCATE verb:
- Enable the use of the extended ALLOCATE verb control block (VCB)
structure by setting the AP_EXTD_VCB flag in the opext field.
- Set up the pointers for proxy_user and proxy_domain to point to
UNICODE strings containing the user name and domain name of the
user to be impersonated.
NOTE: The application does not need to set up user_id and pwd fields
in the Allocate VCB.
When the APPC application performs the above steps and calls
[MC_]ALLOCATE, the SNA Server performs a lookup in the host
security domain for the specified Windows NT user, and sets the
user ID and password fields in the FMH-5 Attach message sent to
the remote system.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SNA Server version 3.0.
This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft SNA Server 3.0 U.S.
Service Pack. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on
the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbnetwork kbprg prodsna snaappc snacpic kbbug3.00 kbfix3.00.sp1 sna3
Version : WINDOWS:3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug