The information in this article applies to:
To find out which bugs are fixed by this update, see the Readme.txt file that accompanies the Service Pack or query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces): S E R V P A C K Available Formats for SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 1Service Pack 1 is available as a single self-extracting archive file for Intel (x86) and ALPHA computers from Microsoft's Internet WWW and FTP sites.NOTE: Microsoft is phasing out future development and engineering efforts for the Power-PC and MIPS platform. The contents of the compact disc are not available for MIPS and Power-PC platforms. Instructions for DownloadingYou can download the correct version for your computer platform from one of the following locations:
Files Available from Online ServicesSelf-extracting executable files containing updated 3.0 SP1 SNA Server and client files can be downloaded electronically from The following files comprise the updated SNA Server and client files for 3.0 SP1:
If you are unable to access these files, contact Microsoft Product Support
For information about changes implemented in 3.0 SP1, see the SNA30SP1.HLP file included in 30SP1TXT.EXE, 30SP1IS.EXE or 30SP1AS.EXE. SNA30SP1.HLP also lists new features added in the service pack and articles describing the symptoms and causes for problems fixed in the service pack. NOTE 1: The SNA Server 3.0 SP1 update files include updates to the SNA Server, Print Service, TN3270 Service, TN5250 Service, ODBC drivers, AFTP, and Shared Folders Gateway. Instructions for Decompressing FilesAll of the above files are compressed in self-extracting archive format, containing SNA Server 3.0 SP1. To extract each file, copy the file to a separate empty directory on your hard drive and run the file using the "-d" option. For example:30SP1IS.EXE -d <PATH>Where <PATH> is the destination directory for the service pack. If you wish to extract the service pack to the current directory, leave <PATH> blank. After the service pack file has been decompressed, run the UPDATE.EXE program to install the updated SNA Server 2.11 server or client files, as appropriate. NOTE: The UPDATE program will automatically stop any SNA Server services which may be running. Installing SNA 3.0 Service Pack 1** TO BE APPLIED TO SNA SERVER 3.0 SYSTEMS ONLY!! **Both the SNA Server and SNA client files have been updated in 3.0 SP1. Updates may be applied in any order -- to the server and/or to the clients. It is recommended that all systems running SNA Server 3.0 (that is, SNA Servers and client computers) are updated to 3.0 SP1. It may not be necessary to update the client computers to SP1 unless you are experiencing a client problem that has been fixed in SP1. WARNING: This service pack update is intended to be applied on systems currently running SNA Server 3.0 server or client software. These updates should NOT be applied over systems running SNA Server 2.x releases. Ordering Information and AvailabilityTo order a Microsoft SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 1 compact disk from Microsoft, use the following part number and call (800) 936-3500. This compact disc includes the "update" for 3.0 server and client software. This service pack also includes the update for SNA Workstation 3.0 (Intel and Alpha).SNA Server SP1 3.00a, English (CD)Microsoft SNA Server 3.0 U.S. Service Pack 1 (SP1) is available on compact disc by ordering from Microsoft at (800) 936-3500. SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1) includes all bug fixes implemented since the initial SNA Server 3.0 release. In addition, the 3.0 SP1 CD includes updated documentation, collateral, and SDK (software development kit files). 3.0 SP1 includes updated SNA Server and client software for I386 (Intel) and DEC Alpha platforms. NOTE: Support for MIPS and Power PC platforms have been discontinued and is not included in 3.0 SP1. Additional query words: servpack
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Last Reviewed: November 23, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |