SNA Server Access Violation in Function S1PWLUSE()
ID: Q196921
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft SNA Server, versions 2.11, 2.11 SP1, 2.11 SP2, 3.0, 3.0 SP1, 3.0 SP2, 3.0 SP3, 4.0, 4.0 SP1
The SNA Server service may terminate unexpectedly causing all connected
users to lose their existing host sessions. If Drwtsn32.exe is configured
as the default debugger on the system, a Drwtsn32.log file similar to the
following will be generated when this problem occurs:
Application exception occurred:
App: exe\snaservr.DBG (pid=<process ID>)
When: <data> @ <time>
Exception number: c0000005 (access violation)
function: s1pwluse
003ebb91 7514 jnz s1pwluse+0xa7 (003ebba7)
003ebb93 66c746180100 mov word ptr [esi+0x18],0x1
003ebb99 6a00 push 0x0
003ebb9b e880060000 call s1pwclps (003ec220)
003ebba0 b101 mov cl,0x1
003ebba2 e9d9010000 jmp s1pwluse+0x280 (003ebd80)
003ebba7 663d1a00 cmp ax,0x1a
003ebbab 0f85cf010000 jne s1pwluse+0x280 (003ebd80)
003ebbb1 b101 mov cl,0x1
003ebbb3 e9c8010000 jmp s1pwluse+0x280 (003ebd80)
FAULT ->003ebbb8 668b4618 mov ax,[esi+0x18]
003ebbbc 663d0100 cmp ax,0x1
003ebbc0 751a jnz s1pwluse+0xdc (003ebbdc)
003ebbc2 66c746181500 mov word ptr [esi+0x18],0x15
003ebbc8 668b420c mov ax,[edx+0xc]
003ebbcc 6689460e mov [esi+0xe],ax
003ebbd0 e8eb040000 call s1pwolpq (003ec0c0)
003ebbd5 b101 mov cl,0x1
003ebbd7 e9a4010000 jmp s1pwluse+0x280 (003ebd80)
003ebbdc 663d1a00 cmp ax,0x1a
003ebbe0 0f859a010000 jne s1pwluse+0x280 (003ebd80)
003ebbe6 b101 mov cl,0x1
*----> Stack Back Trace <----*
FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name
000000ff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 snaservr!s1pwluse
(FPO: [1,0,2])
000000ff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 snaservr!<nosymbols>
In addition, the SNA Server will log a message similar to the following in
the Windows NT Application Event Log:
Event ID: 624
Source: SNA Server
Description: Creating dump file <snaroot>\traces\snadump.log for
The access violation in the S1PWLUSE() function is caused because the SNA
Server service attempts to process an incorrectly formatted message that it
received from a client across the native 3270 emulator interface (3270
Emulator Interface Specification).
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SNA Server versions 2.11,
2.11 SP1, 2.11 SP2, 3.0, 3.0 SP1, 3.0 SP2, 3.0 SP3, 4.0, and 4.0 SP1.
We are researching this problem in SNA Server versions 2.11 and 3.0 and
will post more information here in the Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
This problem was corrected in the latest SNA Server version 4.0 U.S. Service Pack.
For information on obtaining this Service Pack, query on the following word in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:2.11,2.11 SP1,2.11 SP2,3.0,3.0 SP1,3.0 SP2,3.0 SP3,4.0,4.0 SP1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug