How to Obtain the Latest SNA Server Version 4.0 Service Pack

ID: Q215838

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SNA Server, version 4.0 SP3



This article explains how to order and download SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 3. For a list of Microsoft Knowledge Base articles about bugs fixed by this ServicePack, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q236364 List of Fixes in SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 3
To view the Readme.txt file that accompanies this Service Pack, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q242400 SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 3 Readme.txt File


SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3) includes all bug fixes implemented since the initial SNA Server 4.0 release.

Ordering the SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 3 CD

Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 U.S. Service Pack 3 (SP3) is available in CD media format by ordering the following part number from Microsoft at (800) 936-3500:
SNA Svr 4.0 English Patch CD SP3 Part number: 211-00339

Downloading SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 3

You can find links to download the correct version for your computer platform at the following location: The following files comprise the updated SNA Server and client files for SNA Server 4.0 SP3:

File Name     Date      Time    Size        Description
40sp3txt.exe 09/16/99  07:46a     346,760   Readme, Help
40sp3is.exe  09/16/99  07:46a  52,656,552   Server Update (Intel) 
40sp3as.exe  09/16/99  07:45a  59,760,648   Server Update (Alpha) 
40sp3ic.exe  09/16/99  07:45a  39,741,152   NT Client Update (Intel) 
40sp3ac.exe  09/16/99  07:45a  48,098,048   NT Client Update (Alpha) 
40sp39x.exe  09/16/99  07:45a  19,906,064   Windows 9x Client Update 
40sp3clr.exe 09/16/99  07:46a  13,229,384   Win3.x/MS-DOS/Web Client Refresh
40sp3ihs.exe 09/16/99  07:46a   2,495,464   Host Security Refresh (Intel) 
40sp3ahs.exe 09/16/99  07:46a   3,655,936   Host Security Refresh (Alpha) 
40sp3mq.exe  09/16/99  07:46a   2,487,792   MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge 
The update files upgrade existing SNA Server or SNA Client 4.0, 4.0 SP1 or 4.0 SP2 systems to SNA Server 4.0 SP3. See the README.TXT file for instructions to install the service pack.

NOTE: The SNA Workstation 4.0 product has not been updated to the 4.0 SP3 level.

For information about changes and new features implemented in SNA Server version 4.0 SP3, see the SNASP.HLP file and README.TXT release notes file included in 40SP3TXT.EXE, 40SP3IS.EXE, or 40SP3AS.EXE. SNASP.HLP describes symptoms and causes for problems fixed in the service pack, as well as fixes implemented in SNA Server 4.0 SP1 and 4.0 SP2.

For up-to-date information on the fixed bugs, query on sna4sp3fix in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.


For additional information about decompressing and installing these files, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q242400 SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 3 Readme.txt File
For information about obtaining earlier SNA Server 4.0 Service Packs, please see the following Microsoft Web site:

Additional query words: SERVPACK

Keywords : sna4sp3fix kbDSupport
Version : WINDOWS:4.0 SP3
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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