SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 4 Fix List

ID: Q233388

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SNA Server, version 3.0SP4


This article is a current listing of the article numbers for bugs that were fixed in SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 4. Use the Qxxxxxx number that precedes the title of the bug fix to query the Microsoft Knowledge Base to find an article about that bug.

NOTE: SNA Server service packs are cumulative and contain all fixes included in earlier service packs. For example, SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 4 contains all fixes included in SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 1, 2, and 3. You do not need to install an earlier service pack before you install SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 4.

For information about bug fixes included in earlier SNA Server 3.0 service packs, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q184296 List of Bugs Fixed in SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 3
Q168655 List of Bugs Fixed in SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 2
Q165458 List of Bugs Fixed in SNA Server 3.0 Service Pack 1


Q180052 SNA Server Access Violation in Function s1pucosp
Q180788 Changing User Rights Not Recognized Until Snabase is Restarted
Q180862 Single Form Feed Sent by Host on LU3 Print Session Is Ignored
Q180864 Print Sessions Stop with Host Print Service
Q180865 Print Server Adds Space After Form Feed
Q182252 HPLJ 4000N Printer Name Missing from Properties Printing Window
Q182264 5250 or 3270 Applet Will Hang When Started
Q182268 SNA Server Event 60 Should Log Local APPC LU Name
Q182332 SNA Clients Experience Delay Connecting to Multihomed Server
Q182374 TN5250 Event ID 16 Error Causing APPC Session To Fail
Q182574 SNA Server Stops Forwarding FMH-5 Attach Messages
Q182575 IBM PComm AS/400 Data Transfer Doesn't Display Remote APPC LUs
Q182577 Dynamic Definition of Dependent APPC LUs Doesn't Work Properly
Q182637 SNA Server Notifies Windows NT Clients of All Invokable TPs
Q182714 StartDoc and OpenPrinter Fail to Return Correct Error Codes
Q182915 3270 Emulator Hangs and Returns X'1003' Error to Mainframe
Q183966 SNA PrintServer Fails to Establish Session with Custom Object
Q184549 Service Fails Unexpectedly with Access Violation in s1ppcass()
Q184576 SNAPRINT: 3270 Order
Q185447 LUA Program Access Violation Occurs If SnaBase Fails to Start
Q185449 DLC 802.2 Connection Stays Pending After Remote System Restart
Q185503 APPC Security Information Sent Even If Host Doesn't Support It
Q185540 APPC/5250 Hot Backup Fails If Connection Is Inactive or Pending
Q185630 3270 Sessions May Hang When Emulator Rejects Host Bind
Q185676 FEEDIGNOREINITIAL Option Not Working in Snaprint
Q185685 TN5250 Event ID 9 Causes TN5250 Server to Stop Responding
Q185687 CPU Utilization Randomly Goes to 100 Percent on SNA Print Server
Q185690 SNA Server Manager Not Reflecting Correct Status
Q185710 STOP 0x3F Error When SFGW Fails to Create DBCS Folder
Q185715 CPI-C Side Information Does Not Allow "." (period) in TP Name
Q185737 TN3270 Server May Cause Dr. Watson Error to Occur
Q188238 SNA MngAgent Trap in Function CManage::GetNotify
Q188689 Converting From ASCII-EBCDIC Using CPICs CMCNVI and CMCNVO
Q188893 SnaBase Hangs When 256th Process Added to Internal Process Table
Q188990 Application Exception in Snamanag!CSISend
Q188991 5250 Print Session May Be Hung in Stuck State
Q189053 SNA Server Access Violation in Function Snaservr!s1prfpda
Q189476 SNA Server Error 0352 - Unable To Open Configuration File
Q191394 SNA Server Access Violation in Function S1psineg
Q191395 SNA Client APPC and RUI/SLI Applications May Seem Slow
Q191625 TN3270 Server Rejects Valid BIND with 0821 Sense Code
Q192711 Users Unable to Update Their Host Cache Using UDConfig
Q192807 SNABase Service Fails to Start on SNA Server
Q193487 SNACFG Displays APPC Session Security Key in Clear Text
Q193659 SNA Server Access Violation in s1prfrcb()
Q193684 APPC/CPI-C Apps May Hang When Allocating LU 6.2 Sessions
Q193729 SNA Distributed Link Service Access Violation in sbpbputh()
Q193813 Multiple NVRunCmd Commands May Cause Unpredictable Results
Q193817 SNA Server Event ID 11 Missing Description Information
Q193827 FMH Bit Not Set in Query Reply with Function Management Header
Q193986 Enable OtherServers Function In The Firewall Environment
Q193988 APPC/CPIC Application May Fail When Using Remote APPC LU Name
Q193989 Opening Subdomain in SNA Manager Fails on Every Other Attempt
Q194620 I_DOTLESS_SMALL in PDF Always Maps to Space
Q194624 TN3270 Server Traps When TN3270 Session Load Is Under 30K
Q194630 SnaBase May Get Access Violation if Over 255 TPs in Subdomain
Q194763 SNA Print Server PDF Fails to Support Macros Exceeding 127 Chara
Q194848 SDLC Connection Fails with Event 23
Q194858 SNA Server Manager Shows Incorrect Status For Print Sessions
Q194932 Implicit Incoming Remote LU Cannot Be Set to None with SNACFG
Q194933 Problems Displaying Underscored Greek Characters in 3270 Applet
Q195012 Queued 3270 Print Jobs May Intermittently Print Incorrectly
Q195063 Common User ID Problem when Using Associated Printer Feature
Q195121 SNA Server Fails With Access Violation in S1pnsuns()
Q195125 Stopping MngAgent Service May Cause Trap in Mngcli.exe
Q195165 SNA Print Server FMH5 ATTACH PIP Data is Corrupted
Q195166 NVAlert Service Logs Event 3006(ReadEventLog Returns 122)
Q195167 SLI Application Fails with LUA_DATA_SEG_LENGTH_ERROR
Q195168 SNACFG Doesn't Output Complete Data for the ADDPARTNER Option
Q195169 NvRunCmd Hangs When it Receives Data with a Certain Length
Q195170 SNA Server Sends an Incorrect Sequence Number in BIND Response
Q195354 LU3 Print Sessions Don't Support Transparent Print Sections
Q195399 SNA Print Service Access Violation in S3pcsctl()
Q195401 ACTPU(ERP)/ACTLU(ERP) Requests Not Sent To Downstream Systems
Q195402 Absolute Vertical Move Command Handled Incorrectly if PDT Used
Q195746 Print Server Sends a Continuous Stream of Formfeeds to Printer
Q195747 Implicit Incoming LU Not Used After Saving Configuration Change
Q195770 Print Margins Not Properly Configured When Using SNACFG.EXE
Q195771 Print Server Uses 100% CPU If No Line Formatting Option Enabled
Q195818 Windows NT 4.0 SP4 Breaks SNA Encrypted Client Connectivity
Q195945 Traced version of the x.25 link service doesn't provide output
Q195987 Snatrace Won't Start if "Background Thread" = "Below normal"
Q195996 SNA Server Incorrectly Handles Cancelled Allocate Requests
Q195997 Strict "No Response" Protocol Check Causes TN3270 Session Hang
Q196000 SNA Print Server Rejects FMH-1 With Sense Code 1005
Q196037 AFTP Server Displays Incorrect Date for Files after 1999
Q196038 Date Subvector of NVAlert Major Vector Incorrectly Set in Yr 2K
Q196077 SNARAS Ports Become Unavailable after Network Outage
Q196079 API Tracing May Cause Access Violation With CMETPN() Function
Q196237 SDLC Multiport Connection Only Works with One DSPU at a Time
Q196238 SNARAS Goes Into Infinite Loop When Invalid Msg Type Is Received
Q196239 SNA Client for Windows NT Hangs When Receiving PID > '0x8000'
Q196240 Characters Above 127 Were Incorrectly Mapped By NvRunCmd
Q196242 SNA Print Server May Leak Memory
Q196243 Host Print Sessions Using GDI May Stop Printing
Q196298 Characters May Print Over Each Other When Using Print Server
Q196392 MngAgent Access Violation In Function CStdAgentProxy::SetPending
Q196571 NVRunCmd Does Not Return More Than 32 KB of Data Per Command
Q196604 SNA Server Manager May Not Find Subdomain When Started
Q197085 Heap Corruptions Cause Access Violations in SNA Server and SnaBa
Q197436 Remote Link Service Does Not Answer Incoming Calls
Q197437 Print Server Data Filter DLL causes Access Violation in SNAPRINT
Q197629 SLI Application Fails With LUA_RESERVED_FIELD_NOT_ZERO
Q197903 Access Violation in SNASERVR!SNPUGETI if Invalid Frame Received
Q198180 Unable to Correlate SLI_OPEN Request With SLI BIND Routine
Q198398 Access Violation in Snalink.exe Activating Numerous Connections
Q214491 SNA Server Access Violation in Function S1PWHSES()
Q214521 Multithreaded SLI Application May Deadlock within WINSLI32.DLL
Q214571 Duplicate Remote APPC LUs Can Be Created On A Connection
Q214614 APPC Application Works on SNA 2.11
Q214656 Absolute Horizontal Move Command Handled Incorrectly if PDT Used
Q216047 Activating Numerous DLC Connections Results in Inactive LUs
Q216558 Recycling Server Causes Invalid RPC Binding for Host Security
Q216711 After SDLC Outage
Q216713 SNA Server Access Violation in S1PXSND
Q218165 WAPPC32 Ignores User ID Provided By APPC App On Consecutive Allo
Q218170 APPC Application Receives AP_ALLOCATION_FAILURE_RETRY In Error.
Q218178 Access Violation in SNASERVR!SNPUGETC
Q222119 SNA Server Fails With Event 686 Using Persistent Verification
Q222121 Enhanced Security When Using Persistent Verification
Q224303 SNA Server Allows Range of IP Ports w/Distributed Link Service
Q229636 NvRunCmd Terminates if SNA Application Internal Trace Is Enabled
Q229719 NvRunCmd Passes Wrong Data When Certain Programs Are Started
Q229727 Display Problems Occur with NvRunCmd

Additional query words: servpack

Keywords : sna3sp4
Version : WINDOWS:3.0SP4
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: October 7, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.