INF: Configuring ODS Servers for Alternate Pipes Under NT

ID: Q101737

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2x


In order to configure an Open Data Services application ( including SQL Server ) to listen on alternate named pipes, it is necessary to make certain modifications to the NT Registry for the application. Similarly, if one wishes to direct DB-Library to attempt to connect to a server using a non-default network library (net-library) or pipe name, it is necessary to make registry entries directing DB-Library to use the non-default values.


Under NT, the SRVERNAME parameter to srv_init specifies the registration key under which ODS can find the registry value (ListenOn) with the appropriate connection string data. This is a change in behavior from the OS/2 release, wherein the SERVERNAME parameter specified the actual pipe name used by the ODS application.

In order to configure your ODS applications to listen on an alternate pipe or use a non-default net-library, you will need to add the following key to your registry:


with the value:

   ListenOn:REG_MULTI_SZ: <server side netlib>,<pipe> 

For a client or an NT SQL Server issuing RPCs to connect to this server via the specified net-library and pipe name, you will need the key:


with a value:

   <servername>: REG_SZ: <client side netlib>,<pipe> 

For example, say you wanted a copy of PROCSRV identified as server "PROC1" and listening on pipe \\.\PIPE\PROC1, \\. specifying the local server. You also want the local SQL Server to be able to send RPCs to this server using the named pipe net-libraries. The following entries would need to exist in the NT registry:


with value:




with value:


Additional query words: Transact-SQL DB-Library gateway GDK Windows NT dblib

Keywords : kbprg SSrvDB_Lib
Version : 4.2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: March 17, 1999
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