INF: Change Network Support Option Unavailable in Setup

ID: Q107708

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2x


When running SQL Server Setup program, either during the installation or later, the SQL Server Setup for Windows NT - Options windows has the Change Network Support option disabled or greyed out. This option is used to Install/Uninstall Network support (NWLink IPX/SPX, TCP/IP Sockets and/or User provided) and Named Pipes.


This option is greyed out when you run SQL Server Setup, if one of the following is true:

  1. You have the Desktop version of SQL Server. This version is designed to work only locally. It is for one user 25 connections (non-networked). As a result, it uses named pipes on the SQL Server machine only and does not need the additional network support.

    To verify that you have desktop version, check on the SQL Server box and SQL Server disks, which indicate Desktop version on them. Additionally, if you try to connect from SQL Server clients to the Desktop version server, you would get the message on the client:
          Configured for local access only

  2. You have previously turned on the Windows NT Integrated login security mode through SQL Server setup program. This security option is provided for named pipes clients only and you cannot install additional network support if this option is being used.

    This is mentioned on page 35 of SQL Server for Windows NT "Configuration Guide". Please refer to it for further information.

Additional query words: 4.20 mixed standard grayed gray Windows NT

Keywords : kbsetup SSrvGen
Version : 4.2
Platform : OS/2
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: March 18, 1999
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