BUG: 32-bit ISQL.EXE Does Not Properly Set ERRORLEVEL

ID: Q121832

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2x

BUG# NT: 10377 (4.21)


The 32-bit version of ISQL.EXE does not properly set ERRORLEVEL under certain conditions. If arguments or data for arguments are invalid, the ERRORLEVEL used for batch file processing under Windows NT is not set to 1.

The following is an sample .CMD file run under Windows NT normally used for batch file processing:

   echo off
   isql /Usa /P /i test.sql
   if errorlevel 1 echo Error!
   echo on 

In this situation, TEST.SQL does not exist. Therefore, ISQL will display an error to stdout indicating an invalid input file. However, errorlevel is not set to 1.


Use the 16-bit MS-DOS or OS/2 version of ISQL.EXE on Windows NT.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in ISQL version 4.21. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.

Additional query words: Windows NT

Keywords : kbtool SSrvISQL kbbug4.21
Version : 4.21
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: March 20, 1999
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