The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYWhen you encounter difficulties with SQL Monitor scheduled tape events, it is frequently helpful to review the MSscheduled_backups table to quickly review the events that are scheduled. This article discusses the fields that directly affect what is dumped, and when and where it is to be dumped. MORE INFORMATION
The MSscheduled_backups table has the following structure for SQL Server
versions 4.21 and 4.21a. Starting with SQL 4.2, the 'stat' field was added,
and in 4.21 both the 'attempts' and 'email_name' fields were added.
The combination of entries in the database_dump, log_dump, and stat fields determine what type of activity will be accomplished by a particular event. The following chart represents the relationships:
The append and init are only appropriate for tape related events; if disk dumps are involved, the stat field is zero. The only way to verify that a dump with a stat of zero is to a tape rather than to disk is by comparing the logical name listed in the MSscheduled_backups table for the database_dump and log_dump with the logical name in sysdevices, where the control type is five. The start_time, day, and frequency fields will determine when the scheduled event actually occurs. The time is entered using a twelve-hour clock in SQL Administrator but is converted to the 24-hour clock, and it is entered in the start_time field. The day is the day of the week, and the values start with Sunday with a value of one. Daily dumps will have a day value of zero with a frequency value of one. The additional frequency values are as follows:
The attempts field was added in SQL Server version 4.21 and corresponds to the SQLMonitor registry entry BackupRetryAttempts. By default, SQL Monitor will attempt to dump a database three times, with each attempt being documented in this field. This retry activity can be manipulated by making the appropriate changes in the Windows NT registry. Additional query words: windows nt
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Last Reviewed: April 22, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |