INF: How to Troubleshoot SQL Server Tape Read/Write Errors

ID: Q123405

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server version 4.21a


The purpose of this article is to explore various hardware problems related to Microsoft SQL Server's use of attached tape devices. A basic review of the database dump and load process will provide a general frame of reference to the actual operation that reads or writes from/to the tape device. The review of these operations is not intended to explain the entire process, only to provide a common framework for exploring the subsequent SQL Server tape issues.


SQL Server provides the ability to write database pages to a database dump device defined in master..sysdevices. The process that manages the load or dump of database pages is shielded from the actual definition and operation of the defined dump/load device. All that is required by either a dump or load process is that the device be valid and accessible via the WIN32 API. The WIN32 API call that exposes all hardware devices to SQL Server for the purpose of dump/load is CreateFile() (see the WIN32 API Reference for details). A successful return from this function call is a 'handle' to the device, that can be referenced by SQL Server. This handle can be to a floppy disk, a file on a hard disk, or a tape drive.

The actual activity of writing to the 'dump' device is commonly referred to as a 'database dump' or backup. The term 'dump' is probably more meaningful and not as easily confused with 'backup.' The term 'backup' can just as easily refer to the writing of files to tape by NTBACKUP.EXE as well as pages written from a database to tape; both operations perform a backup of sorts. For the sake of consistency, database dump/load or dump/load will be used for the remainder of this document when referencing the act of reading/writing database pages from/to a dump device.

The database dump procedure is fairly straight forward. The database to be dumped is opened. A header is generated for the database dump and written to the selected device. All pages not actually in buffer cache are written to the defined device. These cached pages are skipped and tracked by SQL Server in the form of an 'Out of Sequence' queue. Pages that have not been allocated to an object in the database are skipped completely. After the allocated pages are written, the 'Out of Sequence' queue is traversed and referenced pages are written out to the dump device. A trailer is generated for the dump itself, and is written to the device, and the device is then closed.

The load process is initially very similar to the dump process. A valid 'handle' must be obtained and the device opened. Once opened, the information contained on the physical medium is transferred to SQL Server. SQL Server then writes the information page by page into the target database. After all the pages from the dump device have been transferred, the remaining 'missing' pages in the database are created and initialized. The final step taken by SQL Server is to recover the database. This is the same process that SQL Server uses when it recovers a database on startup. It is possible that uncommitted transactions are rolled back and committed transactions rolled forward.

This is the basic process at the server, however, a interface must be exposed so that information can be exchanged between the client and the server. This interface is not required for database dumps/loads to/from hard disk devices, but is very important for removable media such as tape and floppy disks. The comments in the following paragraphs are directed towards these removable media operations.

There are several methods that SQL Server uses to communicate with the spid (server process id) that initiated the dump/load process. The oldest method of communicating with SQL Server for floppy disk and tape dumps/loads, and one that this common to both SQL Server for OS/2 and SQL Server, is by using the CONSOLE.EXE. Running CONSOLE.EXE provides a link to SQL Server by allowing communication with a special 'console' thread which is spawned as SQL Server starts up. This interface allows information to pass between the client and SQL Server during database loads or dumps, via tape or floppy disk (See the "Transact-SQL Reference Guide," Utilities chapter for details). However, the most flexible and user friendly tool for the dump/load process is provided through SQL Administrator.

SQL Administrator is a WIN32 or WIN16 graphical user interface (GUI) application, which provides a Windows environment facilitating communication to SQL Server for all types of database dumps/loads. Tape and floppy disk dumps are handled somewhat differently, because there is an interface between SQL Administrator and SQL Server provided by SQL Monitor. Any time dumps/loads are initiated by SQL Administrator, a connection to SQL Monitor is made, which subsequently connects to the console thread (this is the same thread that is exposed by CONSOLE.EXE). All prompts and errors are passed from the Server, via the console thread, to SQL Monitor which then passes them back to SQL Administrator or display/response.

The batch mode database dump is performed when SQL Server determines that there is no interface to the console thread and the operation is a tape dump or load (floppy disk dumps/loads require the console program or SQL Administrator). This mode of operation will provide prompts back to the client process that initiated the dump or load operation. Most of this type of processing is facilitated by ISQL.EXE, and there is no capability for the user/client process to respond to messages from the server. This method depends heavily on Registry entries for handling the tape drive, which are visible in SQL Setup by clicking the Options, Set Server Options, Tape Support button. This entry will determine how long SQL Server will wait and how often SQL Server will poll for a tape while in batch mode. (See the SQL Server "Configuration Guide" for more information.)

As stated initially, the purpose of this article is to attempt to shed some light on the common hardware errors seen in the SQL Server Errorlog and in the Windows NT Event Viewer's Application Log (NOTE: this article will use the SQL Server Errorlog rather than the Event Viewer's Application Log for consistency) that involve the actual process of interfacing with the tape drive. There are four main activities related to the use of the tape device and SQL Server: opening the device, reading or writing from/to the device, and closing the device. It is possible to receive errors from any one of these operations.

A general synopsis of the typical database dump/write to tape from SQL Server would be as follows:

   Open the tape device
   Write the Volume Label
   Write the first Header
   Write the second Header
   Write a supported tape mark
   Write the pages from the database
   Write a supported tape mark
   Write the first End of File Trailer
   Write the second End of File Trailer
   Write the final supported tape mark
   Close the tape device 

A load/read operation would proceed as follows:

   Open the tape device
   Read the Volume header
   Read the first Header
   Read the second Header
   Position the tape at the next supported tape mark
   Read the database pages from the tape
   Stop when the next supported tape mark is encountered
   Read the first End of File trailer
   Read the second End of File trailer
   Close the tape device 

It is possible to receive errors from any of the above steps. There are two types of errors that are generated. The first is the error that is sent to the client generating the operation. The second error is what is typically seen in the SQL Server Errorlog and the Application Log in the Windows NT Event Viewer. The client errors will be examined first.

The typical error that may be seen by the client will be one or more of the following:

   Msg    Severity    Text
   ----   --------    ------
   4027   16          Mount first tape for %s of database %s 

This is essentially a prompt for a new tape; typically, this error is not seen when a database was dumped via the batch mode operation that was available in SQL Server 4.21.

   4028   10         End of tape has been reached, remove tape %s and mount
                     next tape for %s of database %s 

This is essentially a prompt for a new tape, typically this error is not seen when a database was dumped via the batch mode operation that was available in SQL Server 4.21.

   4029   10         Database %s%s(%d pages) dumped to file <%d> on tape %s. 

This message is sent to the client on successful completion of a database dump.

   4030   16         Tape %s expires on day %s year %s and cannot be overwritten 

This message is sent to the client when the tape volume information indicates that the volume has not expired. This message is typically seen when an operation to initialize a tape prior to a log or database dump is issued.

   4031   16        Creation date on tape %s(%s) does not match that of
                    first volume(%s) 

This message is seen when the second tape of a multi-volume tape set has a creation date different from the initial tape. This is typically seen when the tapes are mislabeled and an incorrect tape is inserted after a prompt.

   4032   16        Cannot find file %d on tape %s 

This error is generally seen when on a load operation a file number is specified and was not found with a scan of the tape. The error can also occur with multi-volume operations.

   4033   16      File <%d> on tape %s is not a SQL Server %s dump 

This message is typically seen on a tape where the volume header cannot be read.

   4034   16      Warning, file <%d> on tape %s was dumped from database %s 

This message is a caution, to warn the user that the database name listed in the header is not the same as the database that will be loaded into.

Other client related errors that will not be covered here are in the range of SQL Server Messages between message numbers 3201 and 3209. These particular errors are frequently seen by the client and are generated by the next level up in the process for Database/Log dumps and loads.

The second class of errors, are those that are generally seen in the SQL Server Errorlog and in the Application Log of the Windows NT Event Viewer. These errors report problems that occur between the Operating System and SQL Server. This interface also dictates the type of information that is presented in the Errorlog; the messages generally consist of an error source, (for example, tbsopen, tbswritecheck,... and so forth), the error message, and the operating system error if appropriate.

What follows is a short description of the tape class of error and what operation was probably occurring at the time that the error was generated. The follow is a list of errors by category and examples from reported problems. Additionally, other errors that may be seen are listed as well.

TBSOPEN Example:

   No errors seen 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION


Possible Errors:

a) Backup device id is out of range.

b) Backup device is not active.
c) It is possible to see other errors associated with TBSCHGTAPES.

No errors seen

Additional Information or RESOLUTION


Possible Errors:

a) Backup device failed to close, operating system error.
b) It is possible to see other errors associated with TBSCHGTAPES,

No errors seen

Additional Information or RESOLUTION


Possible Errors: a) It is possible to see errors associated with TBSCHGTAPES and TBSWRITEFLUSH.


kernel tbswriteflush: Write failure on backup device \\.\tape0, returned operating system error 6(the handle is invalid)

Additional Information or RESOLUTION

- The above error was generated due to a time-out issue where a tape inserted into the tape drive on a multi-volume database dump failed.

Possible Errors: a) Warning: the tape used is not a recommended computer grade tape and cannot be used for multivolume dumps. Also, Not enough space is left in the device to initiate this dump.

b) Failure on backup device returned operating system error.

c) Number of bytes written did not match request.
d) Other errors may be present from TBSCHGTAPES

No errors seen

Additional Information or RESOLUTION


Possible Errors:
a) May see associated errors from TBSCHGTAPES and TBSREADFLUSH.


kernel    tbsreadflush: Read failure on backup device '\\.\TAPE0',
          returned operating system error 1117(The request
          could not be performed because of an I/O device error). 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION

An event id number 11 was found in the Event Viewer, System Log with the above error, providing the additional description "Driver detected a controller error." The problem was resolved by correcting the underlying problem related to the cabling, terminator and SCSI controller.

- This error may also be associated with a tbsreadcheck error, stating that the device could not be accessed because it was being used by another process. If this occurs, terminate the other process.

Possible Errors:

a) Failed to seek Tape Mark, operating system error.

b) Block count during dump does not match block count during load.

c) Failure on backup device returned operating system error.
d) May be associated with errors from TPRTRLS and TBSCHGTAPES.


   No errors seen 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION


Possible Errors:
a) May be associated with errors from TBSWRITECHECK or TBSREADCHECK.


kernel   tprhdrs: failed to seek Tape Mark, operating system error :
   1(Incorrect function.) 

kernel tbsreadcheck: Tape rejected

kernel   tprvol: Read returned 87, the parameter is invalid reading
   volume header 

kernel   tbsreadcheck: tape rejected. 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION

- The first example above has been associated with a tape drive supporting setmarks, which has been disabled by another tape related application. The particular function disabled is reportsetmarks. If the tape drive is external, it is possible to reset it by a power off/on cycle. If it is internal a power off/on of the server will reset the device so that the reportsetmarks are enabled (this generally is the default for most devices). Contact your support vendor for assistance with the problem.

- The second example occurred on a MIPS system and was resolved by upgrading to 4.21a.

Possible Errors:

a) Backup device failed to open, operating system error.

b) Tape rejected.

c) Incorrect file indicator specified for tape device, Cannot find file on tape.

d) Volume 'X' has been loaded instead of Volume 'Y' for the current file.

e) Not a valid tape and Header labels of rejected tape.

f) Bad block length.

g) Cannot allocate byte I/O buffer.
h) May be associated with errors from CHECKTAPEINFO, TPRVOL and TPRHDRS.


kernel    tbswritecheck: Backup device '\\.\Tape0' failed to open.
          Operating system error = 2 (The system can not
          find the file specified.) 

kernel  tbswritecheck: Backup device '\\.\TAPE0' failed to open,
        operating system error = 32(The process cannot
        access the file because it is being used by
        another process.) 

kernel   tbswritecheck: Seek operation in backup device '(null)'
         returned operating system error =

kernel   tbswritecheck: not enough space is left in the device to
         initiate this dump. 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION

- The tape device was not created correctly and when SQL Server attempted to open the device the error was returned. Problem was resolved by correcting the setup for the tape device.

- The second example occurred due to a previous call to open the specified tape device. Tape devices cannot be shared between processes.

- The third example was resolved by cleaning the tape drive and using a different brand of tape.

- The fourth example was an error generated by a tape device that was not on the Windows NT Hardware compatibility list.

Possible Errors:

a) Cannot find date using null dates in tape labels.

b) Backup device failed to open operating system error.

c) Not enough space is left in the device to initiate this dump.

d) Seek operation in backup device returned operating system error.

e) Incorrect file indicator specified for tape device, cannot find file on tape.

f) Tape rejected.
g) May be associated with errors from CHECKTAPEINFO, TPRTRLS, TPRHDRS and TPWVOL.


kernel    checktapeinfo: error getting media information for device
          '\\.\Tape0', OS error:(null)

kernel    checktapeinfo: Unable to load tape into the tape drive,
          OS Error 121 (the semaphore time-out period has expired)

kernel  checktapeinfo: Unable to load tape into the tape drive: OS
        Error : 1112(No media in drive.)

kernel  checktapeinfo: cannot write on a write protected tape 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION

- This error was generated by a device that was not on the Windows NT Hardware compatibility list. The problem is that when the tape drive was interrogated for it's firmware capabilities it did not response appropriately.

- The second error was due to a faulty tape drive, the drive was replaced with an identical make/model and the error did not reoccur.

- The third error is as simple as it seems, a pending tape operation and when interrogated, the device responds that there is indeed no tape in the drive.

- This fourth error is also as obvious as the previous error. The tape was ejected and replaced.

Possible Errors:

a) Unable to load tape into the tape drive, OS Error.

b) Error getting media Information for device, OS Error.

c) Device or Media does not support '_'.

d) Cannot write on a write protected tape.


kernel   tprhdrs: failed to seek Tape Mark, operating system error :
         (Incorrect function.)

kernel   tbsreadcheck: Tape rejected 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION

- The error list above has been reported on two different occasions, the first was generated on a MIPS server, the original problem has been corrected with version 4.21a SQL Server.

- The second problem is related to the problem noted under tbsreadcheck, same issue an attempt to find a supported tape mark, but was unable to due to the disabling of the tape drive reportsetmarks.

Possible Errors:

a) Read returned 'X' reading first file header.

b) Label not found.

c) Read returned 'X' reading second file header.

d) Failed to seek Tape mark, operating system error.


   No errors seen 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION


Possible Errors:

a) Failed to seek Tape mark, operating system error.

b) Read of first trailer failed.

b) Read of second trailer failed.


   No errors seen 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION


Possible Errors:

a) Warning: the tape used is not a recommended computer grade tape and cannot be used for multi-volume dumps.

b) Not enough space is left in the device to initiate this dump.


   No errors seen 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION


Possible Errors:

a) Warning: the tape used is not a recommended computer grade tape and cannot be used for multi-volume dumps.


   No errors seen 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION


Possible Errors:

a) Seek operation in backup device returned operating system error.

b) Read returned 'X' reading volume header

c) VOL1 Label not found.


kernel   tpwvol: Seek operation in backup device failed returned OS
         Error 1117 (The request could not be performed because of an
         I/O device error.) 

Additional Information or RESOLUTION

- The above problem occurred due to a device/controller problem. The tape device was replaced.

Possible Problems:

a) Seek operation in backup device returned operating system error.

The information listed above is certainly not an exhaustive list of tape related problems, but it does serve to illustrate the variety of problems that may be encountered with tape devices. The best method to protect corporate resources is to verify that the device chosen is on the Windows NT Hardware Compatibility List for the version of Windows NT that is being used. Review the documentation that is included with the tape device and the SCSI controller to ensure that it is set up properly. Test the device with the application software that will be used routinely, and if there is more than one application, verify that they can successfully coexist.

Additional query words: SQL Server WINNT Tape

Keywords : kbusage SSrvAdmin
Version : 4.21a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: April 14, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.