FIX: Updating a Record w/ NULL Text Field Can Cause 2574 Error

ID: Q136864

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server versions 4.2x, 6.0

BUG# NT: 9691 (4.21a)


If you insert a NULL into a text field and then update the record that the text field belongs to and leave the text field NULL, a DBCC TEXTALLOC will show error 2574:

Index page number %ld is empty. Status = 0x%x.


If the empty text page is the first page in the text chain, DBCC TEXTALLOC will erroneously report a 2574 error.


The error message is an erroneous error message and therefore is no cause for concern. To clear the message, you can move the date using bcp, transfer manager, or a SELECT INTO. You can also update the record and include valid, not null data for the text field.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft SQL Server version 6.00. This problem was corrected in Service Pack 1 for SQL Server version 6.0. For more information, contact your primary support provider.

Additional query words: sql6 textalloc 2574

Keywords : kbprg SSrvProg kbbug4.21a kbbug6.00 kbfix6.00.sp1
Version : 4.21a 6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: April 20, 1999
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