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BUG# NT: 11404 (6.00) SYMPTOMSWhen a column is defined as decimal with precision and scale, and data is being inserted that is larger than the column, BCP will allow one additional value to be inserted to the left of the decimal. If the same data is entered using INSERT, a warning message of "Arithmetic overflow occurred" will be displayed and NULL will be inserted into that column. WORKAROUNDCreate a new table with the same attributes as the original table. Transfer the data from the original table to the new table, then drop and recreate the original table, increasing the decimal column to a large enough precision to handle the largest number in the data file. STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version 6.0. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available. MORE INFORMATION
Decimal is a new datatype in SQL Server version 6.0. If a column is defined
with a datatype of (6,3), with six being the precision and three being the
scale, BCP will allow a total of seven decimal digits with four being
stored to the left of the decimal and three to the right. BCP will
successfully enter these values without any warning message that an
arithmetic overflow occurred or that the data has been truncated.
Additional query words: sql6 windows nt
Keywords : kbprg SSrvProg kbbug6.00 |
Last Reviewed: April 21, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |