INF: SPs & Views Can Run in Read-Only DBs After Load

ID: Q138896

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server version 6.0


In previous versions of Microsoft SQL Server, any attempt to execute a stored procedure or view in a database marked as "read-only" immediately following a database load would result in the following error:

Msg 3906, "Attempt to BEGIN TRANsaction in database '%.*s' failed because database is READ ONLY."
This error was expected and by design of the product. Beginning with SQL Server 6.0 Service Pack 2, you will no longer encounter this error when executing a stored procedure or view in a read-only database after a database load.


This enhancement will benefit customers who need to execute stored procedures and views on "hot" backup servers. Currently, the concept of a "hot" backup server requires that the database be marked as "read-only" using sp_dboption. See the SQL Server 6.0 "Administrator's Companion," Appendix E, "Backup and Recovery Guidelines for Production Environments" for more information on setting up "hot" backup servers.

Additional query words: sql6 sp windows nt errmsg

Keywords : kbusage SSrvStProc
Version : winnt:6.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 14, 1999
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