INF: How to Debug SQL Server Connectivity Problems Over RAS

ID: Q139061

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server versions 4.21, 6.0


You can use Microsoft Remote Access Service (RAS) to connect to Microsoft SQL Server from Windows NT, Windows 95, or Windows for Workgroups clients. Because SQL Server communicates with its clients using high-level InterProcess Communication (IPC) APIs only, such as named pipes, TCP/IP sockets, and IPX/SPX sockets, the support for RAS is transparent, which means that SQL Server does not care whether this is a RAS connection as long as the RAS service supports the appropriate IPCs used by the SQL Server clients. SQL Server can run either on the same computer where the RAS server service is running or on a different computer that is connected to the RAS server through a LAN. The key to troubleshooting connectivity problems through RAS is to isolate the problems to either Windows NT/network/RAS issues or SQL Server connectivity issues.


Windows NT RAS supports TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, and NetBEUI LAN protocols. When you install the RAS service, you can choose to enable one or all of these protocols, which in turn provides support for IPCs including named pipes, TCP/IP sockets, and IPX/SPX. Although it is recommended that NetBEUI be enabled for named pipes communication, you can use any one of those protocols for named pipes connections to SQL Server, as long as the SQL Server computer has the same protocol installed. Depending on the clients you use, you may or may not have all of the IPCs available. If the clients are Windows NT or Windows 95, all of the IPCs above are available. For Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 clients, only the named pipes IPC is available.

Depending on the IPCs used, the troubleshooting techniques are different:

  1. Named pipes: If you are using named pipes as the IPC, you can run the easy makepipe/readpipe test. This pair of utilities comes with all versions of SQL Server. Please consult the SQL Server documentation if you need any help using these utilities.

    If the pipe test fails, it indicates this is a Windows NT/Network/RAS problem. You should note the return status of the READPIPE, and contact your primary Windows NT/Network support provider if you do not know how to diagnose the problem based on the return status.

  2. TCP/IP sockets: If you are using TCP/IP sockets through RAS, the first test you should run is the PING utility. If the PING fails from either the client or server side, it indicates a problem with Windows NT/Network/RAS, and again you should contact your primary Windows NT/Network support provider for help.

    If the PING test succeeds, this may not be a RAS specific issue. To verify, you can try connecting from a regular LAN client or from the local server through TCP/IP sockets. For more information about troubleshooting SQL Server connections via TCP/IP, see Knowledge Base article Q107647 ("INF: Connecting to SQL Server from TCP/IP Sockets Clients).

  3. IPX/SPX sockets: If your RAS client can not connect to SQL Server via IPX/SPX, check the following:

    • Verify this is a RAS-specific issue by plugging this RAS client into the LAN and use the Network Interface Card (NIC) to connect. If it still fails, it is not a RAS-specific issue. See Knowledge Base article Q107494 ("INF: Connecting to SQL Server from NetWare Clients") for information about how to troubleshoot IPX/SPX clients in general.

    • Verify that RAS is working properly by attaching this RAS client to a NetWare file server on the network. If it fails, it means the RAS client or server is not installed correctly, and you should contact your primary Windows NT/Network/RAS support provider for further help.

    • Use "ISQL /L" or "List Servers" in other SQL Server utilities to verify that this RAS client can see the SQL Server as listed. If SQL Server is not shown in the list, it means this client is attached to a NetWare file server which does not contain the SQL Server service object in its bindery. If this is a Win32 SQL client, please see Knowledge Base article Q130744 ("PRB: Connection Problems from Clients via IPX/SPX").

    • If "ISQL /L" or "List Servers" does not display the SQL Server, you can also use a direct connection to SQL Server through hardcoding the IPX address of the server computer. See Knowledge Base article Q138716 ("INF: How to Debug Direct Connections to SQL Over IPX/SPX") for more information.

    • If SQL Server and RAS server are running on the same computer, you need to make sure that you set the "internal network number" with a non-zero number that is unique among all network segment numbers for the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible transport. This is needed because the computer would behave like one with multiple NICs when the RAS server is running on the same computer. See Knowledge Base article Q137787 ("INF: How to Configure NWLink to Run SQL Srv with Multiple NICs") for more information.

Additional query words: sql6 dialup dial-up win95 phone modem wint

Keywords : kbnetwork SSrvLAN
Version : 4.21 6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: April 15, 1999
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