INF: Setting Application Name & Workstation ID From ODBC

ID: Q149758

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server versions 6.0, 6.5


This article discusses how ODBC applications using the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver can set the application name and workstation ID when they connect to SQL Server. If you use other ODBC SQL Server drivers, you should consult your driver's documentation to see if it supports equivalent functionality.


Db-library applications can use the DBSETLAPP and DBSETLHOST functions to set the value of the program_name and hostname columns in master.dbo.sysprocesses. These values are then displayed in the output of some of the SQL Server system stored procedures, such as sp_who. VBSQL applications can use the SQLSetLApp and SQLSetLHost functions for the same purpose.

Users of the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver can set the same values using the driver specific APP= and WSID= keywords on a SQLDriverConnect(). For more information, consult the driver documentation on SQLDriverConnect, either in the driver help file Drvssrvr.hlp, in the ODBC SQL Server Driver section in the SQL Server 6.0 "Books Online," or in the section "Programming ODBC for SQL Server" in the SQL Server 6.5 "Books Online."

Additional query words: sql65 sql6 debug

Keywords : kbinterop kbprg SSrvProg
Version : 6.0 6.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: March 25, 1999
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