INF: Need to Init. New Dump Device When Backing Up From Srv

ID: Q151110

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5


When you use the SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Manager (SEM) Backup/Restore dialog box to dump to a dump device for the first time, you need to check the "Initialize Device" check box. Not doing so will return the following error message:

The volume label of backup device 'name' could not be obtained. This may indicate that the device is offline, or that the device is uninitialized. Please check that the device is ready or marked for initialization.


Once you have successfully dumped to the device by checking "Initialize Device", you can subsequently dump without checking that option. The dump will then be appended to the device. If you check this option when the device already contains dump file(s), all existing data on the device will be overwritten, and the current dump will be the first file on the device.

This change does not affect the Transact SQL DUMP statement but only the SEM Backup/Restore dialog box.

Additional query words: admin

Keywords : kbtool kbusage SSrvEntMan
Version : 6.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: March 25, 1999
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