INF: Using ESQL in a Threaded Application

ID: Q151598

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Embedded SQL for C Programmer's Toolkit, versions 4.22, 6.5


Embedded SQL Server for C is not thread-safe. If you are using ESQL in a threaded application, you should only use ESQL calls from a single thread of execution, and it is best if you use the main thread.

If you place the ESQL calls in a thread other than the main thread, the thread can only be started once. The thread must then remain available for all subsequent ESQL needs. To clarify, if you place the ESQL calls in a thread and then start and stop that thread multiple times to accomplish the database tasks, you may experience unexpected behavior. To implement a thread that handles all ESQL activity, you should set up the thread with an event-triggering mechanism.

This applies to Embedded SQL versions 4.22 and 6.5.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbprg ssvresql_c
Version : WINDOWS:4.22,6.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: March 26, 1999
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