INF: Registering SQL 6.0 Servers from a 6.5 SEM Workstation

ID: Q152040

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5


To register SQL Server 6.0 with the SQL Enterprise Manager version 6.5, you need to run the SQLOLE65.SQL script that comes with the SQL Server 6.5. SQLOLE65.SQL is located in the MSSQL\INSTALL directory. SQL Server 6.5 documentation (both online and hard copy) did not mention this point.


Before you register SQL Server 6.0 in SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise manager, you need to execute SQLOLE65.SQL on the SQL 6.0 server. Failing to do so will cause the following error to occur:

Unable to connect to server (reason: This server has not installed version 6.5 or later of Microsoft SQL-DMO (SQLOLE) stored procedures for its SQL Server version. The connection is denied), Register anyway.

SQL Server 6.5 documentation mentioned running SQLOLE42.SQL to register SQL 4.2x server but did not indicate the need to run SQLOLE65.SQL script.

Additional query words: SQL6.5 SQL6.0 register SQL Enterprise manager SQLOLE65.SQL

Keywords :
Version : 6.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: March 25, 1999
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