INF: How to Install Only the SQL Server Books Online

ID: Q188883

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server versions 6.5, 7.0


This article describes how to manually install SQL Server Books Online if they were not installed when the product was originally installed.


When installing SQL Server, there is an option to install the Books Online. If this option is not chosen, Books Online is not installed. After the initial setup, there is no option within SQL Server 6.5 Setup to install only Books Online, although there is in SQL Server 7.0 Setup.

To manually install SQL Server Books Online, perform the steps below corresponding to the version of SQL Server you are using:

SQL Server 7.0:

To install Books Online separately in SQL Server 7.0, run Setup, choose Custom Install, and select only Books Online.

SQL Server 6.5:

  1. Copy the entire contents of the Sqlbks65 directory from the SQL Server CD to your <SQL_root>\Install directory.

  2. Copy Infoview.exe from the appropriate platform directory (that is, I386 or Alpha) of the SQL Server CD to your <SQL_root>\Binn directory.

  3. To view SQL Server Books Online, run the following command from a command prompt (or from the Run command on the Start menu):

          infoview.exe sqlbooks.mvb 

  4. If you want to create an icon for SQL Server Books Online in the SQL Server 6.5 program group, run SQL Server Setup with the RegistryRebuild option and specify that Books Online are installed on the hard disk. For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    Q157805 BUG: RegistryRebuild Option of Setup Is Not Documented

If you want to download the SQL Server 7.0 Books Online, they are available at

Additional query words: BOL on line

Keywords :
Version : winnt:6.5,7.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbhowto kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 17, 1999
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