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BUG #: 18468 (SQLBUG_65) SYMPTOMSThe "current value" for an IDENTITY property for a column can become out of sync if the server is shut down without a checkpoint. If the identity column is a primary key, you will encounter the following error message when an INSERT statement runs: If the column has a unique index, you will receive the following error message: One of the more common symptoms occurs when you execute DUMP and LOAD Transact-SQL statements. This happens because the server automatically inserts rows into msdb..sysbackuphistory and msdb..sysrestorehistory when either a DUMP or LOAD statement executes. These tables use an identity column as a primary key. When a DUMP or LOAD command runs and encounters this problem, the DUMP or LOAD operation will be successful, but you receive the following error messages. Note that this is an example of the messages you would receive when the LOAD statement runs. The error log will contain the following message:
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version 6.5. MORE INFORMATION
If you encounter this problem, the DBCC CHECKIDENT statement can be used to correct the identity column value. Additional query words: prodsql
Keywords : kbbug6.50 |
Last Reviewed: April 13, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |