BUG: SQL 7.0 Desktop Edition Install on Windows 98 Causes "Assertion Failed File: ..\SRC\SQLSSPI.C Line: 119"

ID: Q229608

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0
    on the following platforms: Win98

BUG #: 55333 (SQLBUG_70)


The installation of SQL Server 7.0 covers several stages such as product registration, specifying program file locations, file copying, and various screen messages stating what components are being installed and configured. The installation process may reach the point of: "Connecting to server...", and stop responding. If you press CTRL-ALT-DELETE this message occurs:

Desktop Edition (Not responding).
If the task is stopped and the computer rebooted, the installation may appear to have finished since the SQL Server 7.0 program group may be present.

If you then attempt to connect with any of the client utilities such as SQL Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer, the following error appears:
Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library
Assertion Failed
Program: C;\Windows\MMC.EXE
Line: 119
Expression: Count
For information on how your program can cause an assertion fault, please see the Vision C++ Documentation on Assert.
(Press retry to debug the application-JIT must be enabled
{Retry} {Abort} {Ignore}
The SQL Server error log file located in the C:\MSSQL7\LOG\ERRORLOG directory may have the following lines:

ods      Error: 17826, Severity: 18, State: 1
ods      Could not set up ListenOn connection 'SERVERNAME'..
ods      Operating system error 1747., The authentication service is unknown. 
The SQL Server 7.0 installation log file located in the C:\WINDOWS\SQLSTP.LOG directory may end with the following lines:

11:56:49 Desktop override enabled.
11:56:50 SetNewPath returned: 3010
11:56:50 Path successfully updated.
11:56:51 C:\MSSQL7\binn\cnfgsvr.exe  -Silent 2 -NoSampleDB 0 -SQLPath "C:\MSSQL7\" -SQLDataPath "C:\MSSQL7\" -SortID 52 -LCIDCompStyle "1033-196609" -HWND 1164 -User sa -Pwd 
Typically, the SQLSTP.log file should have many more lines past the last line in the preceding example.

Additionally, the SQL Server 7.0 installation's configuration log file located in the C:\MSSQL7\INSTALL\CNFGSVR.OUT directory may end with the following lines:
Starting Service ...
Connecting to Server ...
driver={sql server};server=MACHINENAME;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master
Typically, the CNFGSVR.out file should have many more lines past the last line in the preceding example.


Running the SQL Server 7.0 setup on a Windows 98 computer that does NOT have "Client for MS Networks" as the "Primary Network Logon".


IMPORTANT: This article contains information about editing the registry. Before you edit the registry, make sure you understand how to restore it if a problem occurs. For information about how to do this, view the "Restoring the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or the "Restoring a Registry Key" Help topic in Regedt32.exe.

In Windows 98 the default setting for Network properties is "Family Logon" for the primary logon, this is especially true if there is NO NETWORK CARD INSTALLED. Consequently, "Family Logon" may interfere with the SQL Server 7.0 install. To correct the error use the following:

  1. Uninstall SQL Server 7.0, either from the Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 program icon, or by using the Add/Remove icon in Control Panel. However, if this fails then manually delete the MSSQL7 directory, and remove the following registry key(s) if they exist:

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server 7.0

    2. Navigate to Control Panel and double-click Networking. Click the Configuration tab and check to see if "Client for MS Networks" is present in the Network properties. If it is, set it to "Primary Network Logon", reboot the computer and then reinstall SQL Server 7.0.

    3. If "Client for MS Networks" is not present, click the ADD button, choose "Client", select Microsoft, and then highlight "Client for MS Networks". Next, click OK, then reboot the computer. If prompted for a network card and no card exists, cancel out of the window and proceed to the next paragraph in this article. To avoid any future logon problems, make sure the properties of "Client for MS Networks" are examined. Make certain that the "Log on to Windows NT Domain" check box is NOT selected. NOTE: Be sure to have the Windows 98 CD available because a prompt for it may occur.

    4. Navigate to My Computer, then check to see if "Dial up Networking" is present. If it is not present, open Control Panel and choose the Add/Remove Programs icon. Go to the Windows Setup tab, highlight the Communications check box and press the Details button. Select "Dial up Networking" and then click OK.

    5. In Control Panel, choose the Network icon. Select the Configuration tab and choose "Client for MS Networks" as the Primary Network Logon. To avoid any future logon problems, review the properties for "Client for MS Networks" and make sure that the "Log on to Windows NT Domain" check box is NOT selected. Next, reboot the computer. NOTE: Be sure to have the Windows 98 CD handy because a prompt for it may occur.

    6. Reinstall SQL Server 7.0.

    After SQL 7.0 is installed, the "Primary Network Logon" may be changed from "Clients for Microsoft Networks", to "Family Login" if necessary, but "Clients for Microsoft Networks" must remain as one of the network components.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version 7.0.

Additional query words: hang lock freeze froze

Keywords : kbSQLServ700bug
Version : winnt:7.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: December 30, 1999
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