BUG: Structural Changes to a Shared Dimension Fail to Write-Disable Cubes

ID: Q231357

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server OLAP Services version 7.0

BUG #: 469 (plato7x)


When you change the structure of a shared dimension (in the Library folder) used in a write-enabled cube (for example, you add or delete a level), the cube stays write-enabled and you do not get any warning. If you process this cube, it remains write-enabled. This situation is problematic because:

  • After processing the cube's data does not reflect the write-back data.

  • The cube's write-back table is inconsistent with the revised shared dimension.


To prevent this problem, before making structural changes to a shared dimension, write disable the write-enabled cubes that include the dimension. Use one of the following procedures to do that:

  • If you are using OLAP Service Enterprise Edition, you can convert the write back data to a partition that will incorporate the write-back data into the cube and make the cube write disabled. To do that right-click the cube, point to Write-Back Options, and click Convert to Partition. Next, use the Convert to Partition dialog box to convert the write-back data to a partition. NOTE: This option is not available with the Standard Edition.

  • If you are using the Standard Edition, you will have to delete the write back data before write disabling the cube. To delete the write-back data, right-click the cube, point to Write-Back Options, and click Delete Data. This will write disable the cube.

NOTE: The following procedure will delete the cube's write-back table.

If you have already made structural changes to a shared dimension, right-click the write-enabled cube that includes it, point to Write-Back Options, and click Delete Data. This action write-disables the cube.

Repeat the preceding procedure for each write-enabled cube that includes the shared dimension.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version 7.0.


Also note that whenever a structural change is to be made to a write-enabled cube, it must be write-disabled first because its structure is no longer consistent with its write-back table. If you make any structural change within a write enabled cube, for example add a dimension, a dialog box opens in OLAP Manager that contains a warning message with the caption 'Delete Write-Back Data':

This will delete the data in the write-back table and convert your cube to a read-only structure.

Caution: All write-back data will be deleted.

Are you sure you want to proceed?
If you click Yes, the cube is write disabled and all read/write permissions for the cube are disabled.

If the user makes a nonstructural change, such as changing a measure's Data Type property in the cube, the cube remains write-enabled. This situation is normal.

Additional query words:

Keywords : SSOSdso SSOSmgr
Version : winnt:7.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: July 30, 1999
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