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BUG #: 55703 (SQLBUG_70) SYMPTOMSsp_articleview creates the synchronization object for an article when a table is filtered vertically or horizontally. If the number of articles added to a published database exceed 32767, sp_articleview generates the following errors: This system stored procedure is called when adding an article from Enterprise Manager, causing the add article process to fail with the same message. CAUSEThis happens when the pubid in the syspublications table grows larger than 32767. Look for the syspublications table in the published database. The parameter @pubid, used in sp_articleview to obtain the syspublications pubid field, is defined as a smallint. However, the pubid column in syspublications is defined as an int. If the value in the syspublications table is greater than the largest possible value for a smallint (32767), an arithmetic overflow occurs when the system tries to place the data into the parameter. WORKAROUND
The identity value for syspublications.pubid can become large when publications are created and dropped multiple times. Over time the current identity value may need to be corrected to avoid this error.
If the value returned is less than 32767, run the following query in the database to correct the problem:
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version 7.0. Additional query words:
Keywords : kbSQLServ700bug |
Last Reviewed: July 30, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |