PRB: #deleted Seen When SQL Server 7.0 Tables Containing Numeric and Text fields Are Opened

ID: Q236825

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0
  • Microsoft Access 97


If Microsoft Access 97 is used to link SQL Server 7.0 tables that have numeric and text field columns, #deleted is seen in alternate rows if the SQL Server database is created using non default code pages and Sort Order. This behavior can be reproduced when code pages are cp850 or cp437, and the sort order is binary, case insensitive.

This error is only seen with the Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver version 3.70.0623.


To work around this problem, clear the Perform translation for character data option when configuring the data source name (DSN).


This problem does not exist with previous or later versions of the Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver.


Additionally, using the Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver version 3.70.0623 with a Pass-Through query does not generate the #delete error.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

/* From the ODBC Administrator version 3.510.3711 (MDAC 2.1 SP1(GA)) */

  1. Create a system DSN that uses SQL Server 7.0, using the default settings, and connect to the pubs database.

  2. Using Microsoft Access, link the tables "Employee" and "Discounts" through the DSN created in step 1. Open the linked tables and you will see #deleted in alternate rows.

  3. Run a SQL specific Pass-Through query using the same DSN and execute either of the following SQL statements:
       Select * from employee
       Select * from discounts 

  4. The data returns correctly unlike the data in the linked tables.

  5. Close Microsoft Access 97. Open the ODBC Administrator and re-configure the system DSN so that the Perform translation for character data option checkbox is clear. (It is selected by default.)

  6. Open Microsoft Access 97 again, connect to these linked tables and the data will return correctly.

  7. Run a SQL specific Pass-Through query using the re-configured DSN and execute either of the following SQL statements :

       Select * from employee
       Select * from discounts 
    Again, the data returns correctly.

Additional query words: pounddeleted

Keywords : kbSQLServ700
Version : WINDOWS:97; winnt:7.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 3, 1999
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