INF: DTS Transfer SQL Server Objects Does Not Transfer Table with User-Defined Datatype

ID: Q239583

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0


DTS Transfer SQL Server Objects does not transfer a table that uses a user-defined datatype if the following conditions are met:

  1. Another table using the same user-defined datatype already exists in the destination database.

  2. The properties "Drop destination objects first" and "Include all dependent objects" are enabled in the Transfer SQL Server Objects.

If "Include all dependent objects" and "Drop destination objects first" are enabled, the user-defined datatype used by the table are transferred. However, when the table is transferred because the user-defined datatype already exists in the destination database and is being referenced by a table, the user-defined datatype is not dropped.


Disable the "Include all dependent objects" and "Drop destination objects first" options for the DTS transfer.

The DTS Package does not complete if invoked from SQL Enterprise Manager or run using the command line utility dtsrun.


This behavior is necessary to avoid loss of precision or similar problems. For example, a destination table has a type of FLOAT but the source with the same data has NUMERIC. If the transfer was continued and used the destination data type, there would be a loss of precision.

Additional query words: dtsrun dts package Transfer SQL Server Objects

Keywords : kbSQL
Version : winnt:7.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: September 13, 1999
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