PRB: SQL Server Msg 4002: Login Failed; Login Incorrect

ID: Q40807

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server versions 4.2x, 6.0, 6.5, 6.5 Service Pack 1 and later, 6.5 Service Pack 2 and later, 6.5 Service Pack 3 and later, 6.5 Service Pack 4 and later, 6.5 Service Pack 5 and 5a


When attempting to log in to SQL Server with a valid login and password, the user receives the following error message:

Msg 4002: Login Failed; Login Incorrect


Check for the message "Server booted in single user mode" among the initialization messages in the errorlog file. If this message is present, restart the server without the /m parameter (/m represents single-user mode).


If SQL Server was started in single-user mode, this message appears when subsequent users attempt to log in.

On a case-sensitive server, this message appears if the case in the user name does not match the actual case of the user name in the server.


Additional query words: case Windows NT

Keywords : kbother kbSQLServ600 kbSQLServ650 kbSQLServ650sp5 SSrvServer SSrvWinNT
Version : winnt:4.2x,6.0,6.5,6.5 Service Pack 1 and later,6.5 Service Pack 2 and later,6.5 Service Pack 3 and later,6.5 Service Pack 4 and later,6.5 Service Pack 5 and 5a
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 19, 2000
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