INF: dbwritetext Sample Code Documentation Incorrect

ID: Q95125

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SQL Server Programmer's Toolkit, version 4.2


The dbwritetext documentation on page 246 and 247 of the "Programmer's Reference for C" contains incorrect sample code.


On page 246, replace the last part of the code in the example, from the following lines to the end

   while (dbnextrow(q_dbproc)
       != NO_MORE_ROWS); 

to read as follows:

   while (dbnextrow(q_dbproc) != NO_MORE_ROWS)
       /* Change the value of "abstract_var". */ 
       strcpy(abstract_var, "A brand new value.");
       /* Update the text column. */ 
       dbwritetext(u_dbproc, "articles.abstract", dbtxptr(q_dbproc, 1),
           DBTXPLEN, dbtxtimestamp(q_dbproc, 1), TRUE,
           (DBINT)strlen(abstract_var), abstract_var);
   /* Done. */ 

On page 247, replace the last part of the code in the example, from the following lines to the end

   while (dbnextrow(q_dbproc)
       != NO_MORE_ROWS); 

to read as follows:

   while (dbnextrow(q_dbproc) != NO_MORE_ROWS)
       /* Change the value of part of the text column. This example */ 
       /* adds a sentence to the end of the existing text.*/ 
       /* Update the text column. */ 
       dbwritetext(u_dbproc, 'articles.abstract", dbtxptr(q_dbproc, 1),
           DBTXPLEN, dbtxtimestamp(q_dbproc, 1), TRUE,
           (DBINT)(strlen(part1) + strlen(part2)), NULL);
       /* Send the update value in chunks. */ 
       dbmoretext(u_dbproc, (DBINT)strlen(part1), part1);
       dbmoretext(u_dbproc, (DBINT)strlen(part2), part2);
       while (dbresults(u_dbproc) != NO_MORE_RESULTS);

Additional query words: db-lib dblib

Keywords : kbprg SSrvDB_Lib SSrvDoc_Err
Version : 4.2 | 4.2 | 4.2
Platform : MS-DOS OS/2 WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: March 16, 1999
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