Windows 3.x Page Fault in NETAPI.DLL with Comm Server

ID: Q102226

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, versions 2.1a, 2.2
  • DCA/Microsoft Communications Server, version 1.2


PROBLEM ID: lanman23.1530

Windows displays "page fault in NETAPI.DLL at 0001:0937" or hangs the machine while task switching and/or entering keystrokes on an active Windows 3.x 3270, 5250, or APPC application running on a DCA/Microsoft Communications Server Windows 3.x client. This problem occurs more readily on a machine with 4MB of memory or under low memory situations.


The named pipe buffers used by the Comm Serve Windows client (WDMOD.DLL) to talk to the server were allocated in a movable segment, although they were locked down prior to calling NETAPI.DLL. Under low memory conditions, however, these pipe buffers were not being paged into memory upon return of a DosReadAsyncNmPipe API call, leading to a page fault.


The named pipe buffers in WDMOD.DLL are now allocated in a fixed data segment.


Fixed in DCA/Microsoft Communications Server v1.1 Update #203 (WDMOD.DLL), available from DCA or Microsoft. Fixed in DCA/Microsoft Communications Server v1.2 Update #89 (WDMOD.DLL), available from DCA or Microsoft.

Additional query words: prodcs CS 1.10 1.20 LM

Keywords :
Version : :1.2,2.1a,2.2
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 11, 1999
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