Fast Workstations w/3c507 Card Lose Drive Connections

ID: Q110060

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 2.2


Workstations with 3c507 cards configured in standard mode lose their drive connections. If you try to reload the redirector software by exiting Windows for Workgroups and typing "net start workstation," the connections return MS-DOS error 53. You must reset the workstation to reestablish your sessions with the server.


This problem has been traced to the shipped version of the ELNK16.DOS driver (size 9792). It is observed more often in fast machines (such as 486/66s) than in slower ones, which do not seem to be affected.


Download the updated ELNK16.DOS driver (size 9800) from 3Com[ASCII 146]s BBS at (408) 980-8204. The driver is: 8-bit, 1 stop, no parity, 9600 bps. It is file 3C507X.EXE, a self extracting zip file.

Additional query words: wfw wfwg 2.20 2.2

Keywords :
Version : :2.2
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 11, 1999
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