How to Use/Delete Cache Setting /M Parameter on LM Server

ID: Q111300

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, versions 2.1, 2.1a, 2.2, 2.2a, 2.2b


The cache settings's /M: parameter reserves RAM for use by other services. You can omit it on a Microsoft LAN Manager server unless CACHE is set to AUTO.


The /M: parameter subtracts the amount of RAM specified from the cache size established by the CACHE: setting. For example, a cache setting of 4096, with an /M setting of 2048 results in an actual cache size of 2048 (that is, 4096 - 2048). The 2048 specified by /M: is removed from cache for use by other services, but it is not reserved specifically for the service named in the /M parameter (for example, RAS, Macintosh, or SQL).

CACHE:AUTO sets up a cache size equal to the amount of system physical memory minus the amount of memory used by LAN Manager and OS/2. If you set the /M parameter, that much RAM is extracted from the remainder according to this algorithm:

   cache = (total RAM-7) -/m 
For any cache setting other than AUTO, the /M: parameter is not necessary. If, for instance, you set the cache to a specific amount, you don't need the /M: parameter.

Additional query words: 3.10 3.1 2.10 2.10a 2.20 2.20a 2.20b 2.2b

Keywords :
Version : :2.1,2.1a,2.2,2.2a,2.2b
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 13, 1999
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