CSD00.059 RPL Modifications, Installation Instructions

ID: Q111705

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 2.2x


Changes in RPL files are required to support MS-DOS 6.0. Some users have reported that RPLDISK.SYS was being corrupted in memory by MS-DOS 6.0, which is slightly larger than previous versions of MS-DOS. RPLDISK was moved to a different memory location requiring changes to other components that reclaim memory. Other changes resulted in a net gain of 3-4k of memory for all MS-DOS RPLs.

The OS/2 RPL is not affected, even for previous versions of MS-DOS. No files specific to it need to change, nor does LANMAN\RPL\RPL.MAP require any changes. MS-DOS 6.2 support is also included.

Note: The ideal time to install these fixed/new files is immediately after LAN Manager has been installed, and just before the RPLSETUP/RPLINST step has been done. If you add them to an existing RPL server, rerun RPLINST to set up permissions correctly.


Note: CSD00.059 files are organized by directory.

Recalculate yyyy

Installing these changes affects the amount of memory taken by RPL components, so if the X=yyyy-9FFF parameter of device=emm386 has been calculated in CONFIG.SYS, recalculate yyyy after installation using this procedure:

  1. Comment out the line device=emm386 in CONFIG.SYS and the line @FIXMEM in AUTOEXEC.BAT by inserting REM.

  2. Reboot.

  3. Run MEM to see how much conventional memory is available.

  4. Pass that number to DECTOHEX to convert to hexadecimal.

  5. Take the first 4 digits (of the 5), and use them to set the yyyy value on device=emm386 X=yyyy-9FFF parameter.

  6. Reenable the line device=emm386 in CONFIG.SYS and the line @FIXMEM in AUTOEXEC.BAT and reboot

Changed Binary Modules


Minor code fixes for efficiency; not required to boot MS-DOS 6.0. LANMAN\RPL\BBLOCK\RPLBOOT.SYS (replaces old module).


Major changes. Eliminated code that repositions RPLDISK in memory. Eliminated other unused code for versions of RPLDISK that are not supported to save memory. Removed some int 13h handling code, and significantly modified the int 13h handling code that remains. Combined some identical routines to save memory. Eliminated code that modified RPLBOOT data. Added code to enable int 13h linkage by means of a new i13.com (see below). Eliminated code that forms permanent int 13h handler (that's now done by i13.com). LANMAN\RPL\BBLOCK\RPLDISK.SYS (replaces old module).


Optimized to use less memory. This module is used only on 3com 3stations; not strictly required to boot MS-DOS 6.0 LANMAN\RPL\BBLOCK\RPL13.COM (replaces old module).


Optimized to use less memory; reuse code space for data; not strictly required to boot MS-DOS 6.0. LANMAN\RPL\BBLOCK\RPLPRO1.COM (replaces old module).


Optimized to be smaller and faster; not strictly required to boot MS-DOS 6.0. LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\BINR\RPLPRO2.COM (replaces old module).


Under MS-DOS, recover memory up to the start of the int 13h handler in i13.com (this is RPLDISK, RPLPRO1, and the init portion of I13); also, mark the memory block owner as FIXMEM$. No changes for OS/2. LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\BINR\FIXMEM.COM (replaces old module).


Add general MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2 support. LANMAN\NETPROG\RPLINST.EXE (replaces old module).


Since the MS-DOS 6.0 MEM command now reports conventional memory in kilobytes instead of bytes, syntax was extended to allow input such as DECTOHEX 542K. LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\BINR\DECTOHEX.EXE (replaces old module).

New Binary Modules


Most of the permanent int 13h handler from RPLDISK. LANMAN\RPL\BBLOCK\I13.COM (new module).


Device driver version of RPLLINK.EXE (which is no longer needed). It can execute in CONFIG.SYS to make network device drivers available earlier than RPLLINK.EXE in AUTOEXEC.BAT. It does not consume any permanent memory. Not strictly required to boot MS-DOS 6.0. If not used, do not change any CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files (see below). LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\BINR\RPLLNK.SYS (replaces old RPLLINK.EXE).

Other Changed Files


RPLDISK arguments change from ~ 4 M to ~ ~ ~

This says do not reserve an extra 4k for the driver, and do not attempt to move it after init.

Add new line "EXE BBLOCK\I13.COM ~ ~ ~" between RPLPRO1 and RPLBIND2.


New configurations for MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2 on all network adapters.


For CONFIG.SYS files, insert "DEVICE=C:\BINR\RPLLNK.SYS" as a new first line. For AUTOEXEC.BAT, delete the line @RPLLINK. For an existing RPL server, any already-defined personal profile accounts will each contain a copy of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT in LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\MACHINES...; modify each of these files as above. If not updating to new RPLLNK.SYS (from old RPLLINK.EXE), don't change any CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files (see RPLLNK.SYS above).

Other New Files

MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2 boot sectors:

MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2 .FIT files: LANMAN\RPL\FITS\DOS600.FIT, DOS600P.FIT, DOS620.FIT, and DOS620P.FIT. Uses MS-DOS 5 redirector (NETWKSTA.500), which works with MS-DOS 6.0.

Other Changes

The MS-DOS 5.0 redirector (NETWKSTA.500) runs on MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2. In LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\LANMAN\NETWKSTA, copy NETWKSTA.500 to NETWKSTA.600 and NETWKSTA.620.

The critical pieces to install to add MS-DOS 6.0 RPL support are:




  • I13.COM



  • MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2 boot sectors

  • MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2 .FIT files

The other pieces are various improvements (mostly optimizations to use less memory and/or execute faster) that are recommended, but not required to boot MS-DOS 6.0.

Installing Fix During New LAN Manager Installation

After installing LAN Manager, but before running RPLSETUP and RPLINST, install all new and changed modules in the LANMAN\RPL tree (the new RPLINST goes to LANMAN\NETPROG). Create the directories LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS600 and LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS620 and place all MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2 files in them (including IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, COMMAND.COM, and BOOTSECT.COM). Then proceed as normal with RPLSETUP, copying other MS-DOS and OS/2 files into RPLINST and LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES.

Installing Fix on Already Existing LAN Manager Installation

Install all new and changed modules in the LANMAN\RPL tree (the new RPLINST goes to LANMAN\NETPROG). Create the directories LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS600 and LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS620 and place all MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2 files in them (including IO.SYS, SDOS.SYS, COMMAND.COM, and BOOTSECT.COM). Rerun RPLINST.

Additional query words: 2.20 2.2 dos6.0 dos6.2 ripl remoteboot

Keywords :
Version : :2.2x
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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