README.TXT for LAN Manager 2.2b Patch

ID: Q111721

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 2.2b Patch


This article contains the complete text of the README.TXT file included with Microsoft LAN Manager 2.2b patch. For information on obtaining the patch, query on the following word (without the spaces) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:


          Microsoft LAN Manager 2.2b - Patch to LAN Manager 2.2


1.0 Introduction
2.0 LAN Manager 2.2B Patch Installation Instructions
2.1 User Notes
2.2 Bugs Fixed in the LAN Manager 2.2B Release
2.3 Text of Bug Fixes


This release of LAN Manager 2.2B contains all components that have been
fixed since the original release of LAN Manager 2.2.


For OS/2

1. Type NET STOP WKSTA at an OS/2 command prompt.
2. Detach LAN Manager using the LAN Manager Setup utility on the hard disk.
3. Reboot the system.
4. When reboot is complete, insert LAN Manager 2.2b OS/2 Patch Disk 1
   into the floppy drive.
5. At an OS/2 command prompt, change to that floppy drive (type A: or B:)
   then type SETUP.
6. Follow the instructions given on the screen.
7. Install the OS2KRNL, OS2LDR and OS/2 drivers and files manually. (See
   User Note Three below.)


1. Insert LAN Manager 2.2b MS-DOS Patch Disk 1 into the floppy drive.
2. At an MS-DOS command prompt, change to that floppy drive (type A: or B:)
   then type SETUP.
3. Follow the instructions given on the screen.

Before You Begin

After you have loaded the patch and before you begin system operations,
perform the following at the server:

 - Verify you have a good backup of all your important data.

 - Verify disk integrity:

    - run CHKDSK on FAT partitions
    - run CHKDSK /F:3 on HPFS partitions

 - Backup your NET.ACC and ACLs. The detach/attach process does this
   automatically, but if you want to run it manually, just to make sure,
   run BACKACC x:\  /S. This saves your ACLs in a file called ACLBAKx.ACL
   located in <lanroot>\ACCOUNTS. Do it for every drive, substituting each
   drive letter for x.

2.1 User Notes

Note One: Problem Loading LM 2.2b NETWKSTA.EXE into MS-DOS 6.2 UMBs

When you install the LAN Manager 2.2b Patch onto MS-DOS 6.2, the
NETWKSTA.EXE does not correctly load into the upper memory blocks.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem and provides a hotfix,
CSD00.073 to fix it. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services.

Note Two: MS-DOS Low Density Install Diskettes not Available

The low density MS-DOS client patch install diskettes are not available.

Here is a procedure for installing the Patch on a network workstation
using 360K floppy drives.

1. NET SHARE a directory on a network file server.
2. Copy all files on the LAN Manager 2.2b MS-DOS Patch high-density disk
   to the shared directory.
3. Connect to this share from the workstation that you want to upgrade
   with the NET USE command.
4. Apply the patch to the workstation by running SETUP.EXE from the
   shared directory.

Note Three: OS/2 Drivers and Files Included with Patch

Once the upgrade process finishes, you still have to install the OS2KRNL,
OS2LDR and OS/2 drivers and files manually because they are not loaded
automatically. They are located on OS/2 DISK 2.

The files are:


Here is the installation procedure:

Use the File Manager to change attributes, rename, and copy these files.

Note: Use capital letters only (for example OS2KRNL) when installing these
      fixes. If these are not in capital letters, the server fails to boot.

Here is an example procedure--replacing OS2KRNL and OS2LDR:

1. Open File Manager.

2. Choose View, then Include, then File Flags. Select Show Read-Only,
   Archive, Hidden, and Other.

3. Choose the C: drive, then highlight OS2KRNL.

4. Choose File, Change Flags, deselect the Read Only, Archive, Hidden,
   and System flags, and click on Change.

5. Rename the file OS2KRNL to OS2KRNL.OLD.

6. Copy the new OS2KRNL from the floppy disk, and highlight it in File

7. Choose File, then choose Change Flags. Select the Read Only, Archive,
   Hidden, and System flags, then click on Change.

8. Repeat the steps 2-7 to replace the OS2LDR.

9. Reboot using the LAN Manager HPFS Recovery Disk 1.

10. Replace the Recovery Disk with OS/2 Disk 2.

11. Copy PMSPL.DLL to c:\os2\dll\ subdirectory. From drive A:\ use the
    command: DECOMP -f pmspl.dl$ c:\os2\dll\pmspl.dll.

12. Copy PMSPOOL.EXE to c:\os2  subdirectory. From drive A:\ use the
    command: DECOMP -f pmspool.ex$ c:\os2\pmspool.exe.

13. Copy PSCRIPT.DRV to c:\Lanman\drivers subdirectory. From drive A:\ 
    use the command: DECOMP -f pscript.ex$ c:\lanman\drivers\pscript.drv.

These third party .BID drivers are supplied (on OS/2 DISK 2):

 - Adaptec 174x
 - CPQC710
 - Ultra24f

14. Copy these drivers to c:\ (or the specific files you know you need).
    Type: copy a:\*.bid c:\ 

15. Shutdown and reboot.

These drivers are developed by third party vendors independent of
Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise regarding their
performance or reliability. In addition, you may need to upgrade other
drivers; generally speaking, you should check out any .BID driver dated
before NOV '91. Contact the third party vendor for more information.

NOTE: If your server traps while copying the files manually, you may have
      tried to copy over a driver currently in use. if you find this is
      true, take the drive out of service and go back to step 9 above.

Note Four: MS-DOS Upgrade and More Information

If during setup you encounter the error:

   Unable to read: NETWORKSTA
   Error code:   2

You can correct it by inserting this line in the CONFIG.SYS file:


Note: DO NOT perform this upgrade to Windows for Workgroups clients.

Note Five: Named Pipe Server Applications Fail

After you apply the Microsoft LAN Manager 2.2b update to a server running
DCA/Microsoft Communications Server, Comm Server clients may not be able
to open an emulation session (such as 3270 or 5250). When they try, the
host sign-on screen never appears and the emulator hangs.

The server never responds to the client's named pipe read request due to
a failure in the redirector \LANMAN\NETPROG\NETWKSTA.SYS. For a workaround,
you can replace this file with the LAN Manager 2.2 redirector.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem and is testing a possible
fix. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services for its status and
availability. We will post new information in the Microsoft Knowledge Base
as it becomes available.

2.2 Bugs Fixed in the LAN Manager 2.2B Release

 - Printsta Fails, Hangs MS-DOS Workstation When Printscreen Starts
 - More Than 32 Domain Controllers on a Domain Causes PDC GP Fault
 - Ill-Formed SMB From Client Causes Server to Die or GP Fault
 - Workstation Hangs After Period of Copying or Running HLAPI Code
 - Net Logon on MS-DOS Client Not Validated by Server
 - Attempt to Stop/Restart PDC Locks out BDC if No One Logged On
 - WinAdmin Creates Too Many ACL Entries, Making NET.ACC Too Big
 - FAT Server Stops Responding if Same Byte Range Repeatedly Locked
 - Replicator Copies Files Already in Sync or for HPFS386 Importer
 - API Call Holds Semaphores After Access Check on Non-Existent File
 - Later Logon Scripts Fail After Time-out Occurs When Logon Running
 - BACKACC Failure from AT Command Required Server Stop/Restart
 - NetBEUI Needs SRB On/Off Switch with 3Com NetBuilder SRT Bridge
 - FTBOOT Causes Trap D/Trap C When Recovering Boot Volume Mirror
 - Core Drive Error Causes Multiple Errors and Data Corruption
 - Failure of Network Request During Logon Hangs Time-out Period
 - MS-DOS Enhanced Workstation Runs Out of Netbufs and Hangs
 - File Seek Fails After Buffer Flushing Error on Seek Initiation
 - Net Password Command During Sync Deadlocks Server and Netlogon
 - WS Hangs Running TCP/IP, DLC and Windows Enh on IBM Token Ring
 - WfW Workstation Cannot Run FoxPro after a LM Workstation Does
 - Application Produces Occasional NET808 and NET805 Errors
 - Windows NetBIOS App Encounters SYS3175 Trap Under OS/2 2.0
 - System Hangs or Reboots Accessing File on Disconnected Drive
 - NET LOGOFF /Y Returns NET2402 if Files Open on a Connection
 - NETWKSTA.EXE Won't Run with MS-DOS 6.0 Without SETVER
 - Password Displayed in Share Info Dialog when Server Share-level
 - More than 300 Entries in RPL.MAP Causes RPLMGR to Trap 000d
 - NET STOP RDR /Y Followed by NET START RDR Hangs MS-DOS Client
 - Period ( . ) Not a Valid Character in Workstation Names
 - Logon Starts Failing after 16 Logons with a Logon Script
 - Running Local and Remote I/O Stress Tests Caused GP Fault
 - DosPeekNmPipe Call Returns Too Much Data, Causes Broken Pipe
 - SQL Queries Under RAS Cause Lock-up, Reboot or EMM Exception #06
 - Full Sync Initiated by Small Netlogon Service Buffer Request
 - LM Setup Does Not Recognize IBM DOS 5.02 as Valid DOS Version
 - Netlogon Service Encounters GP Fault as Array Memory is Overrun
 - DOSPeekNmPipe API Returns Incorrect Byte Count for Its Buffer
 - Issuing CTRL-C as BACKACC Writes to Hard Disk Causes GP Fault
 - OS/2 Server Hangs if Network Adapter Cannot Reset
 - Duplicate Name and Net Address on Token Ring Crashes Server
 - MS-DOS Applications Incorrectly Report "0 Bytes Free"
 - RESTACC Fails with "SYS0111 File Name Too Long" Error
 - Badly Formed Server Message Block Sent to Server Causes Trap
 - Netlogon Performs Continuous Full Synchronization
 - UPS Service Fails Compaq ProSignia if Low Battery Signal Enabled
 - Windows Hangs or Crashes to MS-DOS Prompt If Running Many Apps
 - Workstation Hangs with NET 805, Server Records Incomplete NCB Error
 - Trap D Occurs With HPFS386 when ATTRIB *.TXT /S is Entered
 - Trap D in TCPNB$
 - DOS TCP/IP Clients get Logged on Standalone Despite DC Responses
 - TCP/IP Server Won't Send Datagrams; BDCs Go Out of Sync
 - BCASTADDR Parameter in PROTOCOL.INI Ignored by OS/2 TCP/IP
 - All TCP/IP Servers on Net Trap in NBDRV.0S2
 - Server Crashes and Issues TRAP 0003
 - Sybase Server Doesn't Respond to TCP/IP "Cancel" Commands
 - TCP/IP MS-DOS Utilities Cannot Connect with IBM 3090 MVS
 - Information Packets Incorrectly Reassembled After Crossing Router
 - TCP/IP Returns Wrong Error Code on Failed Call
 - LM Server Trap D's in TCPDRV When Sent LLC XID
 - TCP/IP Server Routes Traffic from Token Ring to Ethernet, Crashes
 - Error 53--TCPCONNECTIONS Depleted, Connection Denied to Client

2.3 Text of Bug Fixes

Printsta Fails, Hangs MS-DOS Workstation When Printscreen Starts

CSD:  LM22.CSD01.037


Printsta failed. If the user on an MS-DOS workstation attempted to
perform print screen operations, the workstation operated properly
until printscreen was initiated, then would hang.


The timer stack was getting corrupted, so the size of the stack was
increased. Also, some of the retry logic was changed so that on slow
PCs requests no longer time out.

Binary Affected


More Than 32 Domain Controllers on a Domain Causes PDC GP Fault

CSD:  LM22.CSD01.040


The addition of more than 32 domain controllers (primary and backup)
on a domain caused a GP Fault on the primary domain controller.


The number of combined members (backup and primary domain controllers)
allowed in a domain was changed from 32 to 128. A check was also added
that keeps the primary domain controller from faulting if more than
128 domain controllers are added to the domain (although an error
still is logged).

Binary Affected


Ill-Formed SMB From Client Causes Server to Die or GP Fault

CSD:  LM22.CSD01.041


An ill-formed server message block from a client sometimes caused the
server to either GP fault or "go dead."


The manner in which ill-formed server message blocks are handled was
changed. Specifically, code was added that put a null at the end of
their truncated or corrupted strings.

Binary Affected


Workstation Hangs After Period of Copying or Running HLAPI Code

CSD:  LM22.CSD01.042


After 15 minutes of activity such as copying files between a server
and a workstation or running Attachmate HLAPI code that polls the
server, the workstation would hang.


The MS-DOS redirector stack was overflowing. Stack size was increased.

Binary Affected


Net Logon on MS-DOS Client Not Validated by Server

CSD:  LM22.CSD01.043


A net logon on an MS-DOS client sometimes resulted in a standalone
logon--the server refused to validate it.


If the name-query packet was larger than usual (that is, if an
additional field in the resource record was filled in) then a routine
in TINYRFC.EXE failed to free a buffer. The code was modified to
assure that the buffer is freed.

Binary Affected


Attempt to Stop/Restart PDC Locks out BDC if No One Logged On

CSD:  LM22.CSD01.044


When no one was logged on at the backup domain controller and the
primary domain controller was stopped and started, the backup
attempted to connect to the primary using its computer name and some
unknown password. This repeated, causing two effects:

 - the account was locked out (if lockout was set up)

 - the audit log was filled with spurious bad password attempts

Netlogon synchronization was not affected.


Code was changed so that a backup domain controller no longer attempts
a single API if there is no one logged on: it simply gets the next
request. This does not lessen functionality, as these calls would fail
in any case, but it makes the failures local so they are not logged.

Binary Affected


WinAdmin Creates Too Many ACL Entries, Making NET.ACC Too Big

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.002


WinAdmin's "permit tree" feature incorrectly walked the directory tree
and created ACL entries for each file and for its subdirectory,
 quickly causing NET.ACC to become huge.


Code was changed to create ACL entries only for subdirectories and to
delete any existing ACL entries for files. The change also displays
both explicit and inherited permissions.

Binary Affected


FAT Server Stops Responding if Same Byte Range Repeatedly Locked

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.003


When the same byte-range was repeatedly locked, a FAT server stopped
responding after some number of lock attempts.


Code was changed to correct time-out determination.

Binary Affected


Replicator Copies Files Already in Sync or for HPFS386 Importer

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.004


The replicator copied files already in sync from subdirectories that
contained large numbers of files, and when the importer had an HPFS386


A larger buffer size was implemented in the replicator code.

Binary Affected


API Call Holds Semaphores After Access Check on Non-Existent File

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.005


Checking the access on a file that did not exist (on a FAT partition)
caused the API call to take but not release three semaphores.


Code was changed so that it now sets the correct error and frees the
semaphores before returning.

Binary Affected


Later Logon Scripts Fail After Time-out Occurs When Logon Running

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.006


If a Windows logon script was still running when the logon script
time-out occurred, all subsequent logon scripts failed until Windows
was exited.


A variable that checks the time-out in a DLL was set to initialize
each time the routine is called.

Binary Affected

NETAPI.DLL (Win16 version)

BACKACC Failure from AT Command Required Server Stop/Restart

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.007


BACKACC failed to complete when run from the AT command, and could not
be run by AT again until the server was stopped and started.


The server had too many open files, since remote APIs were not closing
the UASCHG.LOG file once it was opened. Code was changed to close this
file after each open.

Binary Affected


NetBEUI Needs SRB On/Off Switch with 3Com NetBuilder SRT Bridge

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.008


With the 3Com NetBuilder SRT Bridge, NetBEUI required a switch to turn
instant flipping of the source routing bit on and off.


Added [NETBEUI_XIF] parameter, LocalRing, which is 0 by default. When
this is zero, the source routing bit is turned on immediately. When it
is 1, it allows the packet to traverse the local ring three times
before the SRB is turned on.

Binary Affected


FTBOOT Causes Trap D/Trap C When Recovering Boot Volume Mirror

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.010


FTBOOT caused a Trap D or Trap C when trying to recover the boot
volume mirror.


Code was changed to clear the extended partition record if the boot
volume mirror is the only partition on its disk.

Binary Affected


Core Drive Error Causes Multiple Errors and Data Corruption

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.011


The core drive issued an error code which the BID handled incorrectly,
causing multiple errors and data corruption. This affected other SCSI
drives attached to an IBM SCSI adapter, not just the core drives.


This was fixed by causing the BID to set a timer and simulate an
interrupt, which allows it to handle the error condition correctly.

Binary Affected


Failure of Network Request During Logon Hangs Time-out Period

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.012


In Windows, failure of a network request during a logon attempt (such
as attempting to connect to a down server) caused the time-out period
to hang for an excessively long time.


Changed the logic to use a count to check for the elapsed time since
the dialog was started and to abort the logon script based on this.

Binary Affected

NETAPI.DLL (Win16 version)

MS-DOS Enhanced Workstation Runs Out of Netbufs and Hangs

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.014


MS-DOS enhanced workstations would run out of netbufs and hang.


Code was changed so that the terminating loop case no longer became
incorrect. The MS-DOS redirector is now guaranteed not to run out of
work buffers.

Binary Affected


File Seek Fails After Buffer Flushing Error on Seek Initiation

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.015


File seeks failed if there was an error flushing a buffer when the
seek was initiated.


This was fixed by correcting the stack manipulation.

Binary Affected


Net Password Command During Sync Deadlocks Server and Netlogon

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.016


Issuance of a net password command while a domain controller (backup
or primary) was performing a full sync caused a deadlock that kept
part of the server and part of Netlogon from functioning. Domain
controllers made no progress syncing, the net password command stopped
functioning, and the Netlogon process that gets and responds to
requests would hang.


The code was changed to fix the logic code so that the Netlogon
process releases its semaphore before requesting the server's

Binary Affected


WS Hangs Running TCP/IP, DLC and Windows Enh on IBM Token Ring

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.017


Workstations running TCP/IP, DLC, and Windows Enhanced mode with an
IBM token ring card would randomly hang.


The stack usage of the token ring driver was changed to alleviate the

Binary Affected


WfW Workstation Cannot Run FoxPro after LM Workstation Does

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.018


When a LAN Manager workstation was running a FoxPro application on a
LAN Manager server, a Windows for Workgroups workstation that tried to
run the FoxPro application received:

   Network Error Reading Drive X:

followed by:

   File Read Error

When a Windows for Workgroups workstation initialized the FoxPro
application with a database file 2K or larger, both the first and the
second workstations received the error messages.


The FAT file server was changed so that it now correctly sets two
fields in a server message block sent to the Windows for Workgroups

Binary Affected


Application Produces Occasional NET808 and NET805 Errors

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.019


An application produced occasional NET808 and NET805 errors during
command processing.


Buffer flushing code was changed to correct this.

Binary Affected


Windows NetBIOS App Encounters SYS3175 Trap Under OS/2 2.0

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.020


A Windows NetBIOS application encountered a SYS3175 trap while issuing
a listen. The application worked correctly under Win 3.1 but not in
the Win 3.1 environment under OS/2 2.0.


OS/2 was not handling the call correctly. A workaround was implemented

Binary Affected


System Hangs or Reboots Accessing File on Disconnected Drive

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.021


The system would hang or reboot when trying to access a file in a
Windows application on a disconnected drive when Windows was being run
over the net, usually in a token ring environment.


The program was running out of network buffers. Code was changed to
add checks to the code path that retrieves buffers.

Binary Affected


NET LOGOFF /Y Returns NET2402 if Files Open on a Connection

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.022


The command NET LOGOFF /Y returned the error NET2402 if files were
open on a connection. Subsequent attempts returned the same error.


The system file table entry is now marked as invalid, allowing the
command to complete. Applications receive an error if they try to
access an open file's handle.

Binary Affected


NETWKSTA.EXE Won't Run with MS-DOS 6.0 Without SETVER

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.024


NETWKSTA required the use of SETVER to run with MS-DOS 6.0.


Code was changed. NETWKSTA now allows MS-DOS 6.0.

Binary Affected


Password Displayed in Share Info Dialog when Server Share-level

CSD:  LM22.CSD00.026


Password is displayed in share info dialog when server is share-level.


This has been corrected so that a read-only clear-text share password
is displayed if the server is share-level. If you choose OK without
changing anything, the system deletes the password on the share,
leaving it blank.

Binary Affected


Some of the products included here are manufactured by vendors independent
of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these
products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : :2.2b Patch
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.