Netware Connectivity Prevents New LM Connections

ID: Q112021

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, versions 2.2, 2.2a, 2.2b


When using Microsoft LAN Manager version 2.2 on Windows 3.1 with Netware Connectivity installed, the option to connect new drives in LAN Manager is not available: the CONNECT button is dimmed--you cannot select it.


LAN Manager drivers needed for connectivity are not available in the same directory to system software.


Install Windows 3.1 and LAN Manager, then add Netware connectivity. Copy LANMAN21.DRV and LANMAN.DRV to the c:\windows\system directory. Winpopup requires LANMAN21.DRV and DUALNET.DRV requires LANMAN.DRV.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in LAN Manager version 2.2. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.

Additional query words: LM 2.20 dos-client dosclient dualnet

Keywords :
Version : :2.2,2.2a,2.2b
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 11, 1999
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