Services for Macintosh Fail to Start with NET 3299 Errors

ID: Q113864

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 2.2


After you install Services for Macintosh, your LAN Manager server boots without errors but Net Start shows that the MACFILE and MACPRINT services have not started. The error log shows:


Net 3229: Warning AFP 0150: NBP Register Error: 31...Terminating
Net 3299: MPF0100 No configuration found for Mac Queues.
Manually trying to start the MACFILE service brings up:
Net3055: A problem exists with the system configuration: View your error log for details
Then a dialog box appears with:
Warning: failed to start MACPRINT Service


Services for Macintosh use the tilde ( ~ ) to identify special Macintosh directories on a LAN Manager server. The presence of a tilde in the server computername prevents the MACFILE and MACPRINT services from starting.


Remove the tilde ( ~ ) from the server computername and Services for Macintosh will start and run correctly.


LAN Manager Installation and Configuration Guide, page 53.

Additional query words: sfm 2.20 2.2

Keywords :
Version : :2.2
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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