How to Add an NIC Driver to the LM 2.2 Setup Diskettes

ID: Q115557

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, versions 2.2, 2.2b


This article describes how to add to the LAN Manager MS-DOS setup diskettes the MACWD.DOS NIC driver for the Western Digital W8003E card, which shipped with LAN Manager 2.1 but NOT with version 2.2.


To manually add the LM2.1 driver:

  1. Copy the file MACWD.NIF (from the LM2.1 subdirectory) to the C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\NIF subdirectory.

  2. Create a C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\MACWD subdirectory and copy the files MACWD.DOS and PROTOCOL.INI (from the corresponding LM2.1 subdirectory) into it.

To add the driver to the setup diskettes for future installations:

  1. Make these changes to the SETUP.INF file on the DOS Setup diskette:

    1. In the [copyfiles] section, copy the MACEVX line and modify to read:

    2. Copy the [MACEVX] section and modify it to read:

  2. Copy MACWD.NIF to the DOS Drivers 1 diskette under the \DRIVERS\NIF subdirectory.

  3. On the DOS Drivers 2 diskette, create a \DRIVERS\ETHERNET\MACWD subdirectory. Copy MACWD.DOS and PROTOCOL.INI into it.

Additional query words: adapter 2.20 2.10 W8003E MACWD Western Digital

Keywords :
Version : :2.2,2.2b
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 10, 1999
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