Calculating HPFS386 Cache Size--Algorithm and Explanation

ID: Q117227

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, versions 2.2, 2.2b


When you load an operating system, some memory is always allocated for cache. You can determine how much is allocated with HPFS386 by using /CACHE:nnnn on the parameter line when you load the HPFS386 driver in CONFIG.SYS. Because the relationship between cache size and system performance is not simple, it can be difficult to determine optimal cache size.

This article describes how cache memory is computed and allocated. The observations and suggestions given here are supported by pseudo code demonstrating the algorithm used to determine the cache size, and by examples of how much cache is allocated for several configurations.


Cache memory is used to hold data read from the disk, then referenced during a disk read. If a later disk read requests data that is still in the cache, the read takes the data from there rather than going to the disk to read it again.

The frequency with which valid data is retrieved from the cache is called the "cache hit rate." A higher cache hit rate usually means better system performance because fewer reads must go to the disk to get data.

Calculating Optimum Server Cache Size

Determining optimal cache size is a trial and error process. To complicate things further, some algorithms useful for determining the value in certain configurations are of little use in setting the cache size on a LAN Manager server

To determine optimum cache size on a server you must consider the services and applications that will be run on the server, and the amount of server memory. Server memory is usually fixed, but the services, drivers and applications loaded vary so much that generalizations are of little use. It is better to understand how cache size is computed, then adjust the values to achieve the result you want.

If server memory were large enough, you could simply increase cache size until you achieve maximum hit rate. It's not that simple, though, because after a certain size hit rate does not significantly increase along with cache size. The trick is to find the optimum cache size without going beyond the point of diminishing returns--the point at which increasing server memory no longer increases cache hit rate.

When balanced against other system memory requirements in most cases, the optimal cache size is somewhere between 2-4 MB. Allocating more than 4 MB to cache will probably degrade system performance.

The /CACHE:nnnn and /M(XXX):nnnn Parameters

Two command line options affect how cache is allocated on a LAN Manager server: /CACHE:nnnn and /M(XXX):nnnn

The /CACHE:nnnn parameter can take two forms. It can be used to specify the amount of cache explicitly, as in /CACHE:512 or /CACHE:4096. It can also be set as /CACHE:AUTO to let the operating system determine how much memory to allocate to the cache. If no /CACHE: parameter is used then it is the same as /CACHE:AUTO.

The /M(XXX):nnnn parameter is treated as a cache reduction value and is documented to imply that its value increases or decreases the amount of cache allocated.

Understanding Pseudo Code of General Algorithm

The following pseudo code gives the general algorithm used to determine the amount of memory allocated to the cache. This may not (and usually isn't) the same as you would assume by looking at the /CACHE:nnnn and /M:nnnn parameters. Keep these things in mind when looking at the code:

  • CacheSize is the amount of memory that will ultimately be allocated as cache; it changes as it is tested against various other values until the system has computed an acceptable value--not necessarily the best value for system performance.

  • AvailMem is the amount of memory free when cache sizing takes place. This code is at the beginning of the CONFIG.SYS file, so it is executed after the kernel has been loaded but before other drivers, protocols, services, applications and the Presentation Manager have been loaded or started. After the cache has been sized and allocated, available memory is reduced accordingly, reducing the amount of memory available to system drivers, services, etc.

  • Parameters of the form /M:nnnn or /MRAS:nnnn or /MSFM:nnnn are, for the purposes of the following code, termed "cache reduction" values. They are cumulative and can be positive or negative: /MRAS:512 is valid. and so is /M:-1024. The key point is that this is the amount by which you want to reduce the cache to make sure that nnnn amount of memory is reserved for applications, services, etc. However, as will be shown below this can be very misleading.

  • The /M notation is only notation. For example, if you specify /MRAS:512 (reserve 512 K of memory for Remote Access Service), this is merely a note. The letters after the /M (RAS in this case) can be anything: all they do is note in the CONFIG.SYS file note what you are reserving the memory for--the operating system does not use them to assign memory specifically to RAS. In fact, it may not even affect the cache size at all as will be seen from the code below.

Pseudo Code

The following pseudo code is in a combined English and C style:

AvailMem       /* KB of available memory after kernel load */ 
ReservedMem    /* KB of available memory reserved including /R switches*/ 

CacheReduction    /* KB to reduce cache amount (sum of /M switches) */ 

MIN_CACHE = 256K        /* minimum cache size in KB */ 
MIN_REMAIN = 2048K      /* min memory required for PM and other uses */ 

/* The table below is indexed by amount of physical memory (in MBs)
/* which is then used to compute the cache size in KBs: */ 

const   PhysToCache[] =
           { 256,   256,  256,  256,    /*  1, 2, 3, 4 MB system */ 
             256,   256,  512, 1024,    /*  5, 6, 7, 8 MB system */ 
            2048,  3072, 4096, 5120,    /*  9,10,11,12 MB system */ 
            6144,  7168, 8192, 9216 };  /* 13,14,15,16 MB system */ 

ReservedMem = sum of all /R switches on the HPFS386 line in CONFIG.SYS
if (AvailMem >= ReservedMem + MIN_CACHE + MIN_REMAIN)
    AvailMem -= ReservedMem


   Error BadTooMuchReduction

if (/CACHE:AUTO) {                 // same as no /CACHE parameter
   get amount of physical memory (PhysMem)
   CacheSize = PhysToCache[PhysMem]

   /* walk down the table till you achieve a workable cache size */ 
   while ((CacheSize + MIN_REMAIN > AvailMem ) && PhysMem != 0) {
      CacheSize = PhysToCache[PhysMem]
   if (CacheSize >= (sum of /M switches) + MIN_CACHE)
      CacheSize -= (sum of /M switches)


      CacheSize = MIN_CACHE

} else {  /*    /CACHE:XXXX  */ 
   CacheSize = size specified on command line
   if ((CacheSize + (sum of /M switches) + MIN_REMAIN) > AvailMem)
        if ((MIN_CACHE + (sum of /M switches) + MIN_REMAIN) > AvailMem)
            CacheSize = MIN_CACHE
            CacheSize = (AvailMem - MIN_REMAIN - (sum of /M switches))
        No change to CacheSize: it stays as specified on command line

AvailMem -= CacheSize
Note these things about the pseudo code:

  • If /CACHE:AUTO is specified, the initial size of the cache is computed based on the machine's physical memory. For a 16-MB machine this value typically is very high, as much as half of the available memory (8192 K). Even so, if CacheSize + MIN_REMAIN (2 MB) does not exceed available memory, the cache is allocated and AvailMem is reduced accordingly. If a negative value is specified with the /M switch (for example, /M:-2048) it is treated as a negative cache reduction--that is, an increase--and the cache may be allocated with a larger size than the maximum value given in the PhysToCache[] table above. See the examples below for actual numbers.

  • Even if one or more /M:nnnn parameters is specified, the cache may not be reduced because once the cache reduction is computed (the sum of the /M switches) this test is performed:
          if ((CacheSize + (sum of /M switches) + MIN_REMAIN) > AvailMem) 
    If the specified cache size plus the memory you want to reserve (with the /M switches) plus MIN_REMAIN (2 MB) fits in available memory, then the cache is allocated at the size specified and the /M switches essentially have no affect on chache size. The /M values are not ignored because you have specified a cache size; they are ignored because based on the algorithm there's no need to reduce the cache in order to meet the required amount of memory specified by the /M:nnnn values. On a machine with 12 MB of RAM there may actually be a cache reduction; on a 16-MB machine there typically is not a reduction.

    This leaves a potential problem since when these tests are performed nothing except the kernel has been loaded. If this is a very stressed server with a lot of drivers, protocols, services and applications being loaded, you may be allocating more memory to the cache than you intend. You can try to remedy the situation by adding the /M switch, incorrectly assuming that it will take care of the problem, which is not the case.

General Rules

Here are some general rules to apply when sizing the cache:

  • Never use /CACHE:AUTO. The possibility of the cache being correctly sized automatically for your server is very slim. It may be OK if the server isn't doing much of anything, but this is highly unlikely. Further, an automatic sizing could be a disaster waiting to happen if any of these services or applications are being run:

    • SFM - services for Macintosh

    • RAS - Remote Access Service

    • SQL - SQL server

    • Sytos backup software

  • If you suspect that you need to reserve memory for a service or application, lower cache size by adjusting the /CACHE:nnnn parameter.

    The /M switch is not a reliable tool for reducing cache size. It also can be misleading if it causes someone looking at the CONFIG.SYS to think that memory has been reserved for a specific service (such as RAS, with /MRAS:512) when this is not the case.

  • System performance is never improved by allocating cache at the expense of memory available to services or applications. If a service or application does not have enough memory to run, it causes some other task to be swapped to disk, which degrades performance much more than does a lower cache hit rate caused by reducing cache size.

Sample Test Cases

Below are some test cases determined by changing the /CACHE and /M switches in CONFIG.SYS. These tests bear out the pseudo code above. Using these examples and the general rules and comments in this article you should be able to determine how best to set the necessary parameters in your CONFIG.SYS file.

The examples are based on a 486/66 with 16 MB RAM.

CONFIG.SYS Settings:     Cache Size  Notes and Errors
--------------------    ----------  -----------------

/Cache:3096              3096
/Cache:3096 /M:2048      3096
/Cache:3096 /M:-2048      5144        //The - sign increases cache size

/Cache:5144 /M:2048      5144
/Cache:7168 /M:2048      7168
/Cache:7168 /M:-2048      9216        //The - sign increases cache size

/Cache:9216 /M:2048       9216
/Cache:9216 /M:-2048     11264
/Cache:11264 /M:2048     10230       //Error: Available memory is less than
                                        the cache plus the sum of the /M
                                        switches. Cache size is reduced.
/Cache:11264 /M:-2048     2864       //Error: Cache size required is
                                        too large: 20% of available
                                        memory will be used.

/Cache:Auto /M:2048       6144
/Cache:Auto               8192
/Cache:Auto /M:-2048     10240 


"Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Guide" version 2.2

Additional query words: 1.30 cache sizing hpfs hpfs386

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Version : :2.2,2.2b
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Last Reviewed: November 10, 1999
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