FIX: READ Gets Bad Data After Exit Error
ID: Q118393
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft FORTRAN for MS-DOS, version 5.1
If you attempt to do a READ from a file after another READ has exited
during an error, the data you obtain will be bad.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in FORTRAN, version 5.1. This
problem was corrected in FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS, version 1.0.
When you read from a file, the READ statement transfers control to another
line if the "err=" is included and there is a read error. If another READ
is attempted immediately, the variables in the iolist contain bad data,
usually 0.
If your data file looks like
then the expected output from the attached sample code below will read as
Normal print after read 1. iostat= 0 data(1): 11.000000
Error from read 2.
Normal print after read 3. iostat= 0 data(3): 22.000000
Normal print after read 4. iostat= 0 data(4): 33.000000
Printing out data
data( 1) = 11.000000
data( 2) = 99.000000
data( 3) = 22.000000
data( 4) = 33.000000
Stop - Program terminated.
Both PowerStation for MS-DOS and PowerStation 32 for Windows NT produce
the expected output. However the FORTRAN 5.1 produces the following:
Normal print after read 1. iostat= 0 data(1): 11.000000
Error from read 2.
Normal print after read 3. iostat= 0 data(3): 0.000000E+00
Normal print after read 4. iostat= 0 data(4): 22.000000
Printing out data
data( 1) = 11.000000
data( 2) = 99.000000
data( 3) = 0.000000E+00
data( 4) = 22.000000
Stop - Program terminated.
Sample Code
C Compile options needed: none
REAL*4 data(4)
DATA data /4*99./
OPEN(15, file="Data")
READ(15, "(f3.0)", ERR=10, END=90, IOSTAT=i) data(1)
PRINT*, "Normal print after read 1. ",
+"iostat=", i, " data(1): ", data(1)
10 PRINT*, "Error from read 1."
15 READ(15, "(f3.0)", ERR=20, END=90, IOSTAT=i) data(2)
PRINT*, "Normal print after read 2. ",
+"iostat=", i, " data(2): ", data(2)
20 PRINT*, "Error from read 2."
25 READ(15, "(f3.0)", ERR=30, END=90, IOSTAT=i) data(3)
PRINT*, "Normal print after read 3. ",
+"iostat=", i, " data(3): ", data(3)
30 PRINT*, "error from read 3"
35 READ(15, "(f3.0)", ERR=40, END=90, IOSTAT=i) data(4)
PRINT*, "Normal print after read 4. ",
+"iostat=", i, " data(4): ", data(4)
goto 999
40 PRINT*, "error from read 4"
GOTO 999
90 PRINT*, "End of file jump."
999 PRINT*, "Printing out data"
DO 1000 i = 1, 4
PRINT*, "data(",i,") = ", data(i)
Additional query words:
5.10 buglist5.10 fixlist1.00
Keywords :
Version : :5.1
Platform :
Issue type :