Changing the Location of Logon Scripts and User Directory

ID: Q118616

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, versions 2.2, 2.2a, 2.2b


The information presented on pages 64 - 65 of the "Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Guide" on changing the directory structure of the Netlogon share (logon script location) or the Users share (user directory location) is incomplete. This article sumarizes more complete information from the Administrator's Guide and the Administrator's Reference.


If you change the subdirectory location of the Netlogon and Users shares, then simply stop and start the netlogon service after making the change, the directory locations revert to the original specification when the server is rebooted.

You can change the directory structure for the Netlogon share or Users share to point to any subdirectory, but a "scripts" subdirectory must be present.

  • To change the directory structure for the Netlogon share, add this line to the [netlogon] section of your LANMAN.INI file:
    scripts = <absolute or relative path to the \ SCRIPTS subdirectory>

  • To change the directory structure of the Users share, add this line to the [server] section of your LANMAN.INI file:
    userpath = <absolute or relative path to the \ SCRIPTS subdirectory>

When you have made the changes you want, re-boot the server.

If you are using the replicator service to replicate the logon scripts to other servers, you must also change the replicator sections of the export and import servers (exportpath and importpath) to reflect the new path specified in the scripts entry in the [netlogon] section of LANMAN.INI.


"Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Guide," version 2.2, pps. 60, 64, 65.

"Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Reference," version 2.2, pps. 101, 264.

Additional query words: 3.10

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Version : :2.2,2.2a,2.2b
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Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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