Pinball Panic Error on OS/2 LAN Manager Server

ID: Q119726

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, versions 2.1, 2.1a, 2.2, 2.2a, 2.2b


When you reboot the system you receive this error:

The system detected internal processing error at location 01F8:0891. mfs.c:

If the server is booted from HPFS Recovery, you may receive an error indicating the disk is dirty.


This is almost always caused by hardware failure such as a bad hard drive, loose hard drive cabling, and so on.


  1. Reseat the connections for hard disk drives and cables.

  2. Boot from the HPFS recovery disk.

  3. Insert DISK 1 of the OS/2 Series LAN Manager 2.2.

  4. Run CHKDSK c: /f:3 from the A: prompt.

Perform as many hardware diagnostics as possible. If the problem persists, perform an FDISK /D on the hard drive to delete the partitions (most cases of the PINBALL PANIC error require this). Reinstall OS/2 and LAN Manager and restore the server's data from tape backups.

Additional query words: 2.20a 2.20b

Keywords :
Version : :2.1,2.1a,2.2,2.2a,2.2b
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 18, 1999
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