RPC Custom Yield Function May Not Return

ID: Q125369

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, versions 2.0b, 2.2c


An application using remote procedure calls (RPC) and custom yields occasionally doesn't return from the yield function and the application stops responding (hangs). This problem is more common on slower machines, such as a 20Mhz 386. This problem typically occurs after several hundred to several thousand RPC calls.

This problem occurs using RPC over Windows Sockets with the 16-bit LAN Manager TCP/IP stack.


WINSOCK.DLL allows a Windows Sockets notification to be lost in certain circumstances, which causes this problem.




Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in LAN Manager, version 2.2c. A fix to this problem is in development, but has not been regression-tested and may be destabilizing in production environments. Microsoft does not recommend implementing this fix at this time. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services for more information on the availability of this fix.

Additional query words: prodlm 2.20

Keywords :
Version : :2.0b,2.2c
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 13, 1999
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