Updated IBMTOK.DOS Causes Delay in Loading NetBEUI

ID: Q126424

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 2.2c


When you use the updated IBMTOK.DOS file (dated 10/18/94) for your IBM Token Ring 16/4 network adapter on a non-Pentium computer running LAN Manager version 2.2c, you may experience a noticeable delay when NetBEUI is loading. The amount of delay depends on the speed of the computer.


The updated IBMTOK.DOS file (dated 10/18/94 1:12:42PM, with a file size of 10,112 bytes) corrects a timing problem with the original driver. This problem occurs on Pentium 90 MHz (and faster) computer using the IBM Token Ring 16/4 card and a real-mode protocol.


To correct this problem, use the IBMTOK.DOS file that is shipped with the LAN Manager for DOS client for non-Pentium computers.

Additional query words: prodlm 2.20 2.20c 2.2c lm ndis

Keywords :
Version : :2.2c
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 11, 1999
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