Installing LAN Manager 2.2c Over the Network

ID: Q131696

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 2.2


The LAN Manager version 2.2c Enhanced DOS client may be installed over the network from a LAN Manager server using the NetBEUI protocol. Follow the instructions below to prepare the server. The instructions assume that LAN Manager is installed in the default directory (\LANMAN), the over-the-network (OTN) installation directory does not already exist on the server, and the default directory (\LANMAN\NINSTALL) will be chosen as the OTN installation directory. The following disks are required:

  • LAN Manager version 2.2c DOS client Disk 1, Disk 2, and Disk 3

  • LAN Manager version 2.2 Over-the-Network MS-DOS Install

  • LAN Manager version 2.2 MS-DOS Driver 1


Follow the server preparation instructions in Chapter 5 "Installing and Upgrading MS-DOS Workstations" in the LAN Manager Installation and Configuration Guide. When the Nprep utility prompts for the disk labeled DOS Setup, insert LAN Manager version 2.2c Disk 1. When prompted to insert the disk labeled DOS Drivers 1, insert LAN Manager version 2.2c Disk 2. When prompted to insert the disk labeled DOS Drivers 2, insert LAN Manager version 2.2c Disk 3. Insert LAN Manager version 2.2 Over-the-Network MS-DOS Install disk when prompted to insert the disk labeled Over-the-Network DOS Installation.

After Nprep finishes preparing the server, copy the following files from the \NETPROG directory on the LAN Manager version 2.2 MS-DOS Driver 1 disk to the \LANMAN\NINSTALL\NETPROG directory on the server:

Then copy the file TRW.NIF from the \DRIVERS\NIF directory of the same MS-DOS Driver 1 disk to the \LANMAN\NINSTALL\DRIVERS\NIF directory on the server. Continue following the instructions in Chapter 5 of the LAN Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.

The files mentioned above must be manually copied from the LAN Manager version 2.2 MS-DOS Driver 1 diskette because they are not included with LAN Manager version 2.2c. The updated NETADMIN.EX$ on the LAN Manager version 2.2b DOS disk may be substituted. The TRW network interface card (NIC) driver is not included with LAN Manager version 2.2c. When the LAN Manager version 2.2c DOS client software is installed from disks, the file TCPUTILS.INI is copied to the \LANMAN.DOS directory even if NetBEUI is the only protocol. TCPUTILS.INI is not copied to the workstation during an OTN installation but is copied to the \LANMAN\NINSTALL directory on the server. If it is not already present, copy TCPUTILS.INI to the \LANMAN.DOS directory on a LAN Manager version 2.2c workstation before installing MS TCP/IP on the workstation.

Three other files are not copied to the workstation during an OTN installation of LAN Manager version 2.2c. However, they will be copied to the server:


Additional query words: prodlm 2.20

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Version : :2.2
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Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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