LMUPMGR Offers Only One Destination Path Using HCOPY

ID: Q138131

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 2.2


The LMUPMGR upgrade utility may be used for upgrading a LAN Manager server to a Windows NT Server version 3.5 or 3.51. The automated upgrade copies data files and directories (with HCOPY) from the source computer to a Windows NT computer (clone upgrade). Prior to copying files, the utility prompts for a single destination file path for copying files to a Windows NT server. The utility attempts to copy all files from the source computer to the single destination path. If the source computer contains multiple partitions or disks, the single destination path may not have adequate free space.


An alternative method of upgrading LAN Manager server to Windows NT Server is as follows:

  1. "Backup Files" is the last phase of the LAN Manager upgrade process. The administrator can skip this phase and do an HCOPY directly to the destination Windows NT server.

  2. Make sure the files are placed into exactly the same directory structure as they were on the source computer. Although the drive letter may be different on the Windows NT computer, all other file placement must remain the same.

    NOTE: Deviation from the original directory structure while copying can result in later failure during the restoration of file permissions.

  3. After copying the files, verify that the ACLBAK<drive>.ACL files exist in the \LANMAN\ACCOUNTS directory. Files of this naming convention should exist for every partition on the LAN Manager server.

  4. If any of these files are missing or is incorrect, run the BACKACC utility manually for each drive or partition. Refer to the LAN Manager Administrator's Guide for more information on how to use BACKACC.

Additional query words: prodlm 2.20 2.2b 2.2c winnt

Keywords :
Version : :2.2
Platform :
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Last Reviewed: November 11, 1999
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