PRB: Security May Prevent Creation of Client Installation .Exe

ID: Q170835

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Transaction Server, versions 1.0, 1.0 SP2 for Alpha
  • Microsoft COM libraries, version 1.0


Microsoft Transaction Server 1.0 Service Pack 2a introduced a new feature in its Package Export utility that creates a client installation executable file. This client installation executable file may not be created if Authorization Checking is enabled on the System package. Instead, Microsoft Transaction Server will log the following error in the event log:

Client not authorized to make the call.


Microsoft Transaction Server 1.0 Service Pack 2a adds a new component, MTS.ClientExport.1, to the System package. However, it does not authorize any role to use the ClientExport component. Therefore, if Authorization Checking is enabled on the System package, nobody will be able to use the ClientExport component until a role is authorized to use it.


Perform the following steps to authorize the Administrator role to use the ClientExport component:

  1. In Microsoft Transaction Server Explorer, select the System package and then the MTS.ClientExport.1 component.

  2. Open ClientExport's Role Membership.

  3. On the File menu, click New.

  4. In the Select Roles dialog box, select the Administrator and click OK.

  5. In Microsoft Transaction Server Explorer, select My Computer.

  6. On the Tools menu, click Shutdown Server Processes.


This behavior is by design.



For more information, visit the following Web sites:

Additional query words: mts

Keywords : kbprg kbusage kbMTS kbGrpCom kbDSupport TSrvDeploy
Version : winnt:1.0,1.0 SP2 for Alpha; :1.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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