HOWTO: Determine if MSMQ 2.0 Is Installed in Workgroup or Domain Mode

ID: Q248500


There are two main ways to set up Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ) 2.0 on a Windows 2000 computer - Workgroup or Directory mode. This is determined when configuring MSMQ for the first time. To determine whether your MSMQ 2.0 is configured in Workgroup or Directory mode, check the following registry key:

A value of 1 (0x1) indicates MSMQ 2.0 was installed in Workgroup mode.


When MSMQ is being installed you may find a dialog box which displays as follows:

Setup did not locate a server running Message Queuing that provides directory services. Choose if Message Queuing will use a directory service:
(O) Message Queuing will access a directory service
(O) Message Queuing will not access a directory service
Message Queuing on this computer will only support creation of private queues and direct connections with other computers running Message Queuing.
If the second option ("Message Queuing will not access a directory service") was selected, then MSMQ is configured in "Workgroup Mode", and the registry key earlier displays "0x1" as the value.

Also, when in workgroup mode, if you attempt to browse the public queues, you'll get the following message:
Message Queuing Service
Unable to display all public queues. Only public queues cached locally can be displayed.
Error: The operation is not supported for a WORKGROUP installation computer
You can also use the MSMQ 2.0 Administration objects to determine this programmatically. The IsDSEnabled property of the MSMQApplication object returns a nonzero value if MSMQ is installed in Directory mode, as shown in the following code:

If MSMQApplication.IsDSEnabled Then MsgBox "I am in Directory mode" 


For detailed information on MSMQ 2.0 configuration and development see the following:

MSDN documentation for MSMQ

Additional query words: QC Queued Components MSMQ MQ MMQ Workgroup directory 2.0

Keywords : kbCOMPlus kbMSMQ kbDSupport kbComPlusQC kbMSMQ200
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: January 10, 2000
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