MS-DOS APPEND.EXE Doesn't Work with Logon Script

ID: Q70886


BUG: 1201


The MS-DOS APPEND command will cause logon scripts not to run under certain conditions. When this problem occurs, DOS LAN Manager will return the following error message:

NET2212 - An error occurred while running the logon script.


If the APPEND environment contains a drive letter that does not exist (typically, network drives), logon scripts will not run until the network drive(s) are taken out of the APPEND environment.


Do either of the following to resolve this problem:

  • Do not use the MS-DOS APPEND command with logon scripts.

  • Create batch files to add/remove network drives to the APPEND environment. Use these batch files to add network drives after you log on, and delete them before you log off.

Additional query words: 2.00b 2.10 2.10a 2.20 append.exe

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Last Reviewed: November 17, 1999
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