ID: Q73266

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FORTRAN for MS-DOS, version 5.1
  • Microsoft FORTRAN for OS/2, version 5.1


The following is the "Setup" section from the FORTRAN version 5.1 README.DOC:

                            README.DOC File
              Release notes for the Microsoft(R) FORTRAN
             Professional Development System, Version 5.1

This document contains release notes for version 5.1 of the Microsoft
FORTRAN Professional Development System for MS-DOS(R) and the
Microsoft Operating System/2 (MS(R) OS/2). The information in this
document is more up-to-date than that in the manuals and the Microsoft
Advisor (online help).

Microsoft improves its languages documentation at the time of
reprinting, so some of the information in this file may already be in
your manuals.

=====================< The SETUP Program >===========================

Disk Space for Additional Libraries

Each library for a different combination of memory model and
floating-point arithmetic requires a minimum of 220K of disk space.
If you intend to create more than one library when running SETUP, be
sure to take into account the additional disk space required.


The files on the FORTRAN 5.1 disks are compressed. SETUP uses a
utility called DECOMP.EXE to decompress the files before copying them
to your hard disk. Normally you should use SETUP to copy files, and
they will be decompressed automatically.

Occasionally, however, you may want to copy a file from the SETUP
disks directly to your hard disk without using the SETUP program. In
that case, you will have to use the DECOMP.EXE utility to decompress
the file. The syntax for DECOMP.EXE is:

     DECOMP filename.ab$

where is the decompressed filename.

All compressed files end with $. If the filename extension is three
characters long, the final character will be replaced with a $. If
the extension is two characters, the two characters will be retained
and a $ will be placed in the third position. If the extension has
one character, then that character will be retained and followed by a
$. If there is no extension, then the filename will be given a suffix
of a single $.

For example:

     f1.ex$      ->  f1.exe$  -> source.doc
     flib.fd$    -> flib.fd
     mulmix.c$   -> mulmix.c
     makefile.$  -> makefile

Additional query words: 5.10 nofps

Keywords :
Version : :5.1
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 5, 1999
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