FORTRAN 5.1 Size Comparison Charts for Libraries

ID: Q73268

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FORTRAN for MS-DOS, version 5.1
  • Microsoft FORTRAN for OS/2, version 5.1


The following tables include the sizes, in bytes, of the coprocessor, emulator, and alternate math libraries for Microsoft FORTRAN version 5.1. The libraries were built with and without C compatibility, with and without the graphics library included, for the medium and large memory models, and for DOS, OS/2, or Windows, as applicable.

All libraries listed below were built to include error message text. Subtract approximately 2.5K from the size of the library if error message text was not included.


The following abbreviations are used in the tables below:

L - Large memory model          7 - Coprocessor library
M - Medium memory model         E - Emulator library
R - Real mode (DOS)             A - Alternate library
P - Protected mode (OS/2)
W - Protected mode (Windows)
Graphics Library (GRAPHICS.LIB, GRTEXTP.LIB, or QWIN.LIB with
QuickWin Graphics) NOT Included:

|      |   Without C Compatibility   |     With C Compatibility    |
| 5.10 |-----------------------------|-----------------------------|
|      |     7         E         A   |     7         E         A   |
| L  R | 217,253   229,541   233,895 | 191,855   204,655   204,915 |
| L  P | 213,653   226,455   227,727 | 191,861   204,149   204,409 |
| L  W | -------   371,193    ------ |  ------   196,517    ------ |
| LDLLW|  -----    300,135    ------ | -------   189,803    ------ |
| M  R | 213,109   225,397   230,295 | 189,263   201,551   202,355 |
| M  P | 210,025   222,315   224,131 | 188,757   201,557   201,849 | 

Graphics Library (GRAPHICS.LIB, GRTEXTP.LIB, or QWIN.LIB with
QuickWin Graphics) Included:

|      |   Without C Compatibility   |     With C Compatibility    |
| 5.10 |-----------------------------|-----------------------------|
|      |     7         E         A   |     7         E         A   |
| L  R | 306,299   318,587   320,381 | 278,345   290,633   293,965 |
| L  P | 233,389   245,679   245,415 | 209,549   221,837   224,145 |
| L  W |  -----    466,093    ------ | -------   344,301    ------ |
| LDLLW|  -----    300,135    ------ | -------   189,803    ------ |
| M  R | 302,667   314,955   316,781 | 275,241   288,041   291,405 |
| M  P | 229,761   242,051   241,819 | 206,445   219,245   221,585 | 
Additional 5.1 Library sizes:

   # bytes        Library Name
   -------        ------------
    74,240        API.LIB
   229,719        FDLLOBJS.LIB
    35,328        FRTLIB.LIB
    86,949        GRAPHICS.LIB
    18,707        GRTEXTP.LIB
   228,695        LLIBFMT.LIB
     2,063        NOQWIN.LIB
   117,151        OS2.LI 

Additional query words: nofps kbinf 5.10

Keywords :
Version : :5.1
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 1, 1999
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